A warm welcome to our new Reception intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September. You should have received a welcome letter via email with information on the enrolment process. Please contact us at admissions@rockmount.croydon.sch.uk if you have accepted a place but have not yet heard from us.
We are pleased to share with you, lots of information about the Reception Classes at Rockmount. We hope that the following pages give you an insight into what your children will learn and achieve during their start to primary school.
Here is our Early Years brochure, where you will find information about what the Early Years Foundation Stage is, the curriculum and how to prepare your child for this exciting next step in their learning journey.
In Reception, we promote a love of learning and focus on providing an interesting and wide range of learning opportunities.
What do I do if my child is going to be absent from school?
Telephone the school on 020 8653 2619 and let us the know the reason for your child's absence. If a child is marked absent on the morning's register, the office will follow this up.
Where do we get school uniform from?
You can find uniform information here.
Does my child need a PE kit?
Physical Development is one of the areas of learning within the EYFS curriculum and we teach aspects of it daily. We therefore do not have standalone, formalised PE lessons so your child does not need a PE kit until Year 1.
My child has allergies and dietary requirements. What do I do?
Please put this information on your enrolment form and speak to your class teacher about your child's needs.
Can I bring in snacks for my child?
Each child will be offered milk and a piece of fruit during the day, so you do not need to bring in snacks.
What happens at lunchtime?
The children will be collected by their lunchtime supervisor at 11.25am, who will then take the class to the lunch hall. The children will enjoy a balanced, healthy lunch provided by Pabulum, followed by playtime in the large playground alongside Year 1 and 2 children. (If it is raining, the children will return to their classrooms for wet play activities.) At 12.25pm, the class teacher will collect their class from the playground and return to the classroom. The lunchtime supervisor will feed back any important information to the class teacher, who will inform parents/carers at the end of the school day if necessary.
How do I pay for lunches and school trips?
Rockmount is a cashless school and we use a safe and secure payment service called Parentpay.
Is water available during the day?
Yes, water is available during the day and your child will have their own named cup.
What happens if my child has an accident at school?
Toilet accidents are inevitable as your child learns new routines. We ask that all the children bring a change of clothes with them, especially during the autumn term. Staff will assist the children to change if they need help.
Other accidents are recorded by staff. If the accident is non-urgent, the parents/carers will be informed at the end of the school day. If the accident involves the head area, you will be contacted immediately.
Will my child have homework?
Your child will have a home/school journal to draw/write about experiences that take place at home or during the weekend.
Will my child bring a reading book home?
The children are encouraged to bring books home to share with you from our reading areas. They can then change the books whenever they are ready to do so.
We teach the children to read through our phonics scheme - Read, Write Inc. There will be an opportunity for you to attend a Read, Write, Inc. phonics workshop at the start of the new school year. In the meantime, please click the link above to find out more.
When can I speak to the teacher about my child's progress?
The staff are available to talk to you at the beginning and the end of each day if you have an urgent message. If you would like a longer conversation, an appointment can be made for a convenient time. We also have two Parent/Carer consultation evenings, one in the autumn term and one at the end of the spring term.
Are there clubs for my child to attend?
There are some clubs that Reception children can attend. Look at the after school activities page.
Can I use the breakfast and after school club?
Places at Rockmount Children's Club are limited. Please have a look at the RCC page to find out more.
Is there a PTA?
Please get involved in our amazing RFC - Rockmount Friends and Community.