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At Rockmount Primary School, we believe that personal, social and health education (PSHE) enables our children to become healthy, safe, independent and responsible members of society. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We are dedicated to ensuring that Rockmount Primary School is a happy, stimulating and caring place and we expect high standards of behaviour and good manners throughout the school. Behaviour and attitude to learning is underpinned by values that are taught through PSHE lessons / circle time and supported by the wellbeing areas in each classroom, making it integral to the success of the whole school. PSHE is at the heart of our school ethos.


PSHE is embedded in all areas of the curriculum and day -to-day life of the school. As a result, our children are supported in developing the following characteristics:

  • Happy and positive relationships
  • Empathy and compassion
  • The confidence to make the most of their abilities
  • Value and respect of diversity
  • Respect for others’ rights to their own values and beliefs
  • Evaluation (and appropriate challenge) of the opinions and arguments of others
  • Leadership and presentation skills
  • Strategies for managing influence
  • Enterprise skills and attributes
  • Skills for employability (aspiration, communication, creativity, goal setting)
  • Taking positive risks


We encourage our children to hold roles of responsibility within the school and take part in a range of practical activities that promote active citizenship:

  • Roles of responsibility include: wellbeing ambassadors, school councillors, eco warriors, reading buddies,  year six leaders and peer mediators.
  • Children have opportunities to meet and work with members of the community, such as: health workers, firefighters, police officers, librarians, sports coaches, secondary school pupils, artists and authors.
  • We participate in, and promote National events such as: Democracy Week, Anti-Bullying Week and Road Safety Week.
  • We are committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of all pupils at Rockmount Primary School and take part in Children’s Mental Health Week each year.
  • Class and whole school fundraising events.
  • Teachers deliver the PSHE curriculum with the support of the PSHE Association, their programme of study, ‘programme builders’ and their quality marked resources. At Rockmount Primary school we use the ‘Question-based model’ as outlined by the PSHE Association. The PSHE programme of study is structured around an overarching question for each term. These begin in KS1 as ‘What?’ and ‘Who?’ questions and build throughout KS2 into ‘Why?’ and ‘How?’ questions.
  • In EYFS the curriculum is covered in PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development). PSED is one of the three prime areas within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The Early Learning Goals for PSED are Self-Regulation, Managing Self and Building Relationships.

Curriculum Map

Subject Overview

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, both now and in the future. From making responsible life decisions to succeeding in their first job, PSHE education helps pupils to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face when growing up.

SMSC and British Values

We aim to promote and develop pupils’ SMSC understanding through the PSHE curriculum:


  • Pupils explore the their own beliefs, dreams and ambitions in life and have the opportunity to reflect on how to achieve their set goals
  • Pupils are taught to respect and learn more about other people, their values and beliefs


  • Pupils are encouraged to comment on moral questions and dilemmas raised throughout the PSHE curriculum
  • Pupils are encouraged to reflect on their role in society and how they impact others in a variety of ways
  • Pupils are taught to develop open mindedness when considering the actions and decisions of people


  • Oracy opportunities are planned in to encourage pupils to listen, respond, challenge and debate ideas appropriately with their peers
  • Opportunities for independent, paired and group work are planned to improve pupils’ own social development
  • Pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. For example, making responsible decisions about alcohol, to succeeding in their first job


  • Pupils are taught to respect and value difference in our community and the wider world and how we are able to learn and grow together
  • Pupils are encouraged to gain an understanding of and empathy with, people who hold different opinions to their own
  • Diversity is celebrated throughout the PSHE curriculum

We aim to promote British values and make real life links to British Values through our PSHE curriculum:

  • The question-based model for each topic/unit of work within PSHE allows pupils to question, reflect and create discussion about the wider world they live in.
  • British values, including those of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different beliefs are embedded in the PSHE curriculum.
  • Pupils have the opportunity to discuss and appreciate what it means to live in the wider world, what it means to belong to a group/community and respect the similarities and differences between people
  • By talking about healthy relationships and what makes a good friend throughout both KS1 and KS2, pupils develop an understanding of what it means to be courteous, to respect themselves and others
  • We teach pupils to respect and value diversity through showing respect for different viewpoints and ideas as well as in the ability to work effectively together both individually and in groups.

Pupil Voice

"I have really kind friends.  We read stories about some people who struggle to be kind and I always know what advice I would give them!" Year 2 child 

"I like that you can talk to any adult in the school about issues that you have with friendships"

"I really enjoy PSHE in class because you get to work in groups  and listen carefully to each other, I love putting work into the floor book!"

Work Sample Gallery

Anti-Bullying Week 

As part of our PSHE curriculum and our continuing work to develop all children’s social, emotional and behavioural skills, we took part in ‘Anti-Bullying’ week with the theme ‘Reach Out’.

It is important that we continue to work together to prevent all forms of bullying and teach our children how to protect themselves and also how to help others. We support children to identify, prevent and respond to negative and harmful behaviour. We also continue to teach about the dangers online and how they can keep themselves safe.

This year, the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors teamed up with 'The Diana Award' to design a ‘Positive Post-box’ to help deliver wide spread positivity and spread joy throughout the school. We also held a whole school 'Odd Sock' day to celebrate our individual differences. 

Children at Rockmount signed a school pledge sending a clear message that bullying it is neither acceptable nor inevitable in our school community.

Photo Gallery 

We collect photos, pupil voice quotes and pieces of work in a Year group Floor-book which is available for children to look through at anytime. 

Useful Links