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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve


Welcome to our Year 2 Classes


Moonstone Class

Class Teacher: Donna Rankine
Teaching Assistant: Dawn Holmes and Lucy Davis


Topaz Class

Class Teacher: Waseela Mangaria
Teaching Assistant: Margaret Moloney


Year 2 Curriculum Map for 2014-2015



Topic focus

1st half


English: Information Text; Diary Writing; Poetry; Recount

Maths: Number - Place Value; Money; Measurement; Time; Fractions; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History/Geography: London Landmarks

Science: Everyday Materials

Computing: We Are Photographers

RE: Hinduism

2nd half

Pole to Pole 

English: Poetry; Non-chronological Report; Instructions

Maths:  Geometry - Properties Of Shape; Number - Addition and Subtraction; Multiplication and Division; Data; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History/Geography: India And The Arctic

Science: Variation

Computing: We Are Researchers

RE: Why are some things special?

1st half


English: Story writing; Newspaper reports

Maths: Number - Place Value; Number - Addition and Subtraction; Multiplication and Division; Measure; Mental Maths

Science: Movement

Computing: We are Superheroes

RE: Islam

2nd half

Watch Me Grow

English: Non-Chronological Report; Books by a Significant Author

Maths: Number; Measure - Capacity and Data; Fractions; Money; Time; Mental Maths

Science: Animals

Computing: We are Zoologists

RE: Islam

1st half

 Journeys English: Recounts; Poetry; Instructions

Maths: Fraction; Number - place value; All Four Operations; Geometry; Mental Maths

Science: Living Thing and Their Habitats

Computing: We are Game Testers

RE: Christianity

2nd half
 Oh I do like to be beside the seaside English: Poetry and Information text

Maths: Number - All Four Operations; Money; Time; Geometry

Science: Plants

Computing: We are Researchers

RE: Inspirational Writing


Please read our termly curriculum letter for more information

If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Donna Rankine


Autumn Term

Year 2 have kick started the term by looking at famous London Landmarks. The children have read stories and information books about London's famous places and landmarks which has helped the children to create their own information books. The children have also used recycled materials to make models of their favourite places in London.

As part of Computing, Year 2 have been learning to how to use a camera. They have used iPads, digitals camera and camcorders to take photographs of their favourite places, people and things. Have a look at some of their photos

During the second half of the Autumn term, Year 2 turned their focus to India. They spent some time using the internet to research facts about India, finding out about their food, schools, religion, art, animals and much more. The children also emailed other children from a school in India to find out about and compare lifestyles. 

The term ended with an Indian Experience Day. All the children dressed in traditional Indian clothing and spent the day making traditional Indian food, learning to play Bhangra drums and dancing to Bollywood music. 
