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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Rockmount Community Club

This year, we are continuing the Saturday Gardening club. However, this year we are changing the name to Rockmount Community Outdoor Club. The idea behind the change is firstly, we would like to get the school and local community together. Secondly we are hoping, that over the year we will run other sessions and not just gardening. We are looking to bring in experts in their field such as Penge Sheds to do some wood working and maybe a baker or chef to teach their craft, the possibilities are endless.


  There will be a Community Club session every month. They usually run between 10am - 12pm. Please keep an eye out for the monthly emails from the school with more details.





Christmas Crafts

Sunday 17th December 2023 - 10am - 12pm

It was lovely to see so many families on Sunday taking part in our Christmas Craft Activities. Everyone had the opportunity to take in 4 different activities. These included cooking over the campfire, decorating flower pots and planting bulbs to take home, decorating wooden decorations for the Christmas tree and decorating (and eating) Gingerbread Men.


All the children did very well and we even had parents joining in and creating their own master pieces. Thank you to the parents who helped out manning the activities, it was an amazing help.


Looking forward to the new year and developing the garden further, with even more produce grown and eaten!!


Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.  

Sunday 21st May (11am - 1pm)

We were lucky to have a gorgeous sunny day and we had an amazing turnout to our Community Club Day. As people arrived they prepared their jacket potato to go in the open fire. Once in the fire everyone then headed out into the playground to tidy up. We had lots of weeding, planting of seeds and trees and people were also painting the 'Friendship Bench'. An amazing amount of hard work was done and  the results around the school were totally outstanding. 

As we headed into the second part of the session people started to get their potatoes out of the fire and then chose their toppings from butter, cheese, baked beans and tuna and sweetcorn. We also had a supply of hot drinks and squash which everyone could help themselves too.

Thank you to everyone who came along to the club. I hope you enjoyed your time and we look forward to welcoming you all again on Sunday 25th June at 10am for work in the playground followed by a small BBQ. Watch out for the information leaflet and the sign up link.

Saturday 10th December (11am - 2pm)

Saturday 5th November (10am - 2pm)


This Saturday come and join us for some REAL outdoor fun. From 10am till 12pm we will be - 

1) Planting bulbs by the new polytunnel

2) Re - laying the bark pathways in the Edible Garden and the Wildlife Garden

3) Waterproofing the new tables inside the polytunnel

4) Weeding and general tidy up

5) Moving soil to fill in the new planting beds in front of the polytunnel.


Then, for those who have been working hard from 12pm - 2pm we will be toasting marshmallows and creating  'SMORES' and hot chocolate round the campfire.


According to the Met Office the weather should be overcast but dry.


Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday.


Daniel Ricketts




Thank you to all those adults and children who came along on the wet and windy Saturday and worked so hard on the outdoor environment. We completed every single job which was amazing. Over 120 bulbs were planted along the polytunnel, the tables have been waterproofed, 3/4 of the wood chip was moved to relay the pathways in the edible garden and wildlife area and the rabbits were well and truly spoilt again.

Everyone then enjoyed making their own S'mores, drinking campfire hot chocolate and making patterns with their sparklers. A great time was had by all.

Saturday 1st October (Work Day 9am - 2pm)


This Saturday we have a lot to do so it would be great to see as many as possible. Jobs include - 

  • Putting up a Polytunnel
  • Clearing and re-planting the wildflower meadow
  • Clearing and digging over the Edible Garden
  • Building 2 plastic storage boxes.
  • Weeding the Wildlife area

As it is a work day the RFC have kindly said that they will be there to offer refreshments during the day. The after school club toilets will also be open.




Thank you to all those adults and children who came along on the sunny Saturday and worked SO, SO hard on the Wildlife Garden. We completed every single job which was amazing. Over 300 bulbs were planted in and around the garden, the polytunnel came on leaps and bounds, loads of weeding, a new meadow seed was planted, the pear tree was moved, pruning and the rabbits were well and truly spoilt!!

Further Dates - 

7th January

4th February

4th March

22nd April

6th May

10th June

1st July

Gardening Club  5th February 


On Saturday 5th February, for a change, we had glorious weather. The sun was out and we had an amazing turn out of parents/careers and children. It was great to see so many happy, smiley faces. With so many people there to help, we managed to get so much work done. We moved the shingle to create an outdoor seating area in the wildlife garden, much weeding was done, soil was moved and used to fill up the planting bed attached to the pergola, branches were chopped back to open up the fire pit and to open up the pond area and rabbits were stroked and cuddled. Thank you so much to all the volunteers who turned up to help. NEXT DATE - 5TH MARCH 2022

Gardening Club  6th November 


It was great to see so many people come along on the day. The day was nice and dry (for a change) and we got lots of jobs completed. Lots of spring bulbs were planted, the fence started to get the first coat of paint and other garden maintenance was completed. Thank you again for all those who came. Looking forward to seeing you again on the 4th December from 9 - 11am.

Gardening Club / Working Day 2nd October


A massive thank-you to all the families that joined me on a windy and very wet day. It was great to see you all. A large amount of work was completed. A successful day and here's looking forward to the Saturday 6th November!!

Rockmount Community Club

If you have any questions or would like to sign up to Gardening Club please fill out the form below.
