Welcome to Reception
Please note that you do not have to print anything out, just view on the screen and complete tasks on paper.
Thank you for your support.
If you would like to share anything with us, please email it to:
Hi Reception. I hope you are all well. I saw Mrs Verrall yesterday in a park in Bromley. She was telling me all about what you got up to last week at school and at home. It was very nice to see her, even if it was at a distance.
I thought I would upload some pictures of my baby Nancy for you to see. We have been doing lots of tummy time each day so Nancy can build up the muscles in her neck. She has been learning to grab her toys and enjoys listening to stories. We have also been singing lots of songs and enjoying some sensory play.
I have also added some pictures of our dog Geoff.
I hope you like seeing what we have been doing.
Hope to see you all soon, Mrs Pearless :)
This week in Literacy I want you to have a think about some of the changes that are happening at the moment. As you know, this is your last week in Reception and when you come back to school in September you will be in year 1! How exciting and grown up. You've all worked so hard this year and we are so proud of how much learning you have achieved and all the wonderful friendships you have made.
After you have read through the Power Points please could you have a think about some of the questions you might want to ask your new year 1 teacher or some of the things you might want to tell them about yourself. What do you enjoy? What are you good at? Can you put these into a letter for your year 1 teacher to read?
Happy writing Reception!
Week Beginning 6th July
Week Beginning 29th June
In Maths this week, we will be consolidating our knowledge of 3D shape and even bigger numbers! The number hunts continue but this time a bit trickier numbers, from 11 to 15! Can you please have a look at the slides, pick a number and show different ways you can make that number. If you picked the number 11 you might show when you see the number 11 on your travels, or when you have 11 of something in your house. What number sums make the number 11? Can you draw 11 shells?
For shape, can you find 3D shapes in your environment, what are they called? What is different from 2D to 3D?
Happy hunting maths stars!
In the wider curriculum this week we will doing a few fun Science experiments! Can you make a magic wand (suggested idea for doing so below) and then have a go at the magical Science experiment below? Or, are there any Science experiments that you know which you want to share with your friends?
Pearl Class
Class Teacher: Amber Pearless
Class Teaching Assistant: Michelle Verrall-Withers
Coral Class
Class Teacher: Rose Banks
Class Teaching Assistant: Anna Gruszecka
Teaching Assistants across Reception: Anna Divilly
Reception Curriculum Map for 2019-2020
Half Term | Topic | Curriculum Area |
Autumn 1st Half | The Wonderful World of Fairy Tales |
Personal Social and Emotional Development Communication and Language Understanding the World Physical Development |
Autumn 2nd Half | Food and Festivals | Understanding the World
Mathematics |
Spring 1st Half | Heroes and Villains |
Personal Social and Emotional Development Literacy |
Spring 2nd Half | Spring and New Life | Understanding the World
Mathematics |
Summer 1st half | Animals | Understanding the WorldLiteracy
Expressive Arts and Design |
Summer 2nd Half | Water | Expressive Arts and DesignLiteracy
Understanding the World |
The themes have been chosen to ensure that there is opportunity to cover all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.
Although specific areas of the curriculum have been highlighted, we plan for all areas to enable the children to experience a variety of play-based activities during their time in Reception.
If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Amber Pearless.
Autumn Term
Spring Term