

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve


Welcome to Reception

Emergency Home Learning

Please note that you do not have to print anything out, just view on the screen and complete tasks on paper.


Thank you for your support.

If you would like to share anything with us, please email it to:

You can also comment and add things to our class blog, by clicking here.
Click on the star to see our wonderful work.

A quick catch up...

Hi Reception. I hope you are all well. I saw Mrs Verrall yesterday in a park in Bromley. She was telling me all about what you got up to last week at school and at home. It was very nice to see her, even if it was at a distance. 


I thought I would upload some pictures of my baby Nancy for you to see. We have been doing lots of tummy time each day so Nancy can build up the muscles in her neck. She has been learning to grab her toys and enjoys listening to stories. We have also been singing lots of songs and enjoying some sensory play. 


I have also added some pictures of our dog Geoff. 


I hope you like seeing what we have been doing.


Hope to see you all soon, Mrs Pearless :)

Mrs Pearless says 'Hi!'

Still image for this video
Week beginning 13th July


This week in Literacy I want you to have a think about some of the changes that are happening at the moment.  As you know, this is your last week in Reception and when you come back to school in September you will be in year 1! How exciting and grown up.  You've all worked so hard this year and we are so proud of how much learning you have achieved and all the wonderful friendships you have made.  

After you have read through the Power Points please could you have a think about some of the questions you might want to ask your new year 1 teacher or some of the things you might want to tell them about yourself.  What do you enjoy? What are you good at? Can you put these into a letter for your year 1 teacher to read?


Happy writing Reception! smiley


This week in Maths I have attached the website links to a few different maths games websites.  Explore these websites and enjoy playing some fun maths games! You can refer to these over the holidays if you ever want to engage in any fun maths or recap some of your learning from this year.  Enjoy! 


This week in the wider curriculum we are going to be looking at how to look after our environment.  It is so important that we take good care of the environment we live in and look after the world so that the world stays healthy for us to live in.  Can you make a poster giving others advice on how to look after the environment? You could use pictures, words or sentences.

Week Beginning 6th July


In maths this week we will finishing our learning of securing our number knowledge from 0 - 20.  It's the last 5 numbers to go and the trickiest so far! You can do this maths geniuses! We will also be learning about symmetry and the line of symmetry, we have touched on this before Reception so you may remember or have some idea about symmetry and what it means.  I would love to see some beautiful symmetrical drawings or paintings at the end of your symmetry learning.


In Literacy this week we will be learning about rivers and water safety.  Once you have read through the resources and explored the different rivers of the world will you please make a water safety poster advising others on how to stay safe around water such as seas, rivers or even pools!

Wider Curriculum

This week in the wider curriculum we will be learning about healthy living and eating.  You guys are experts at this already so it might even be you teaching your families about how to be healthy and eat well! After you have looked at the slides and the smoothie recipes can you design and make your own delicious and healthy smoothie recipe!? Yum! Can't wait to see them!

Week Beginning 29th June


In Maths this week, we will be consolidating our knowledge of 3D shape and even bigger numbers! The number hunts continue but this time a bit trickier numbers, from 11 to 15! Can you please have a look at the slides, pick a number and show different ways you can make that number.  If you picked the number 11 you might show when you see the number 11 on your travels, or when you have 11 of something in your house.  What number sums make the number 11? Can you draw 11 shells? 

For shape, can you find 3D shapes in your environment, what are they called? What is different from 2D to 3D?


Happy hunting maths stars!


In Topic this week we will be learning all about different sporting events.  Have a read through the slides and learn all about the different sporting events we usually enjoy over summer.  Can you pick a sport you like (and it doesn't just have to be from the sports chosen here, it could be ballet, rounders... anything!) and draw a picture of the sport and then write a few words or sentences about the sport you like and why you like it!


In the wider curriculum this week we will doing a few fun Science experiments!  Can you make a magic wand (suggested idea for doing so below) and then have a go at the magical Science experiment below? Or, are there any Science experiments that you know which you want to share with your friends?





Internet Safety

Useful Links

RML Support

Maths Support

Other Activities

Useful Website Links

Useful songs to support learning



Pearl Class

Class Teacher: Amber Pearless 

Class Teaching Assistant: Michelle Verrall-Withers


Coral Class

Class Teacher: Rose Banks

Class Teaching Assistant: Anna Gruszecka


Teaching Assistants across Reception: Anna Divilly

Reception Curriculum Map for 2019-2020


Half Term Topic Curriculum Area
Autumn 1st Half    The Wonderful World of Fairy Tales

Personal Social and Emotional Development

Communication and Language

Understanding the World

Physical Development

Autumn 2nd Half Food and Festivals Understanding the World


Spring 1st Half Heroes and Villains

Personal Social and Emotional Development


Spring 2nd Half Spring and New Life Understanding the World


Summer 1st half Animals Understanding the WorldLiteracy

Expressive Arts and Design

Summer 2nd Half Water Expressive Arts and DesignLiteracy

Understanding the World

The themes have been chosen to ensure that there is opportunity to cover all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.


Although specific areas of the curriculum have been highlighted, we plan for all areas to enable the children to experience a variety of play-based activities during their time in Reception. 


If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Amber Pearless.

Please read our termly curriculum letters for more information.

Autumn Term

Gingerbread Men

We really enjoyed making and eating these gingerbread men.  We had learnt all about the story of The Gingerbread Man and were so happy ours didn't run away! They were delicious.
After learning how to make gingerbread men we decided to put our baking skills to the test one more time by making delicious bread! We learnt all about the Little Red Hen story and wanted to show how helpful and what kind friends we can be.
We learnt all about Autumn and the changes that it brings.  We learnt that the leaves on the trees turn orange and brown and fall to the ground and that the weather gets colder.  We made Autumn tree finger paintings and went on a Campfire Cooking trip to Crystal Palace Park where we learnt how to make three different types of campfires; each for different reasons.  We then toasted and ate our own marshmallows!

Spring Term

We have been learning all about people who help us.  We have enjoyed learning about Vets and Fire Fighters and the different ways in which they help keep people and animals in the community safe. 

Superworm Trip

We have been learning about Spring and new life.  We learnt all about mini beasts and enjoyed reading the story Superworm! We went on an exciting trip to Crystal Palace Park and built Superworm Wonderlands out of sticks, wood, string and other natural resources we found in the park.
Reception loved Science week!  We really enjoyed making and playing with slime and then Professor Nitrate showed us some really cool Science experiments and taught us all that fire needs oxygen to survive! 