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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Welcome to our Year 2 Classes


Jade Class

Class Teacher: Donna Rankine

Class Teaching Assistant: Rebecca Burridge


Diamond Class

Class Teacher: Hayley Gorman 

Class Teaching Assistant: Lucy Davis 

Year 2 Curriculum Map for 2018-2019


Half Term Topic Curriculum Area
Autumn 1st Half London...Ablaze!

English: Story writing; Diary Writing; Recount

Maths: Number: Place Value and Addition and Subtraction 

History/Geography: Great Fire of London/London Landmarks

Science: Everyday Materials

Computing: We Are Photographers

RE: Why are some things special?

Autumn 2nd Half Pole to Pole 

English: Poetry; Non-chronological Report; Instructions

Maths: Addition and Subtraction; Measurement: Money and Multiplication and Division

History/Geography: Comparing the UK with India and Antarctica 

Computing: We Are Researchers

ART/DT: Mixing materials to create a variety of textures

RE: Hinduism

Spring 1st Half Superheroes 

English: Story writing; Newspaper reports

Maths: Multiplication and Division; Statistics and Geometry: Properties of Shape

History/Geography: Transport through the ages

Science: Movement

Computing: We are Superheroes

RE: Islam

Spring 2nd Half Watch Me Grow

English: Non-Chronological Report; Books by a Significant Author

Maths: Fractions and Measurement: Length and Height

History/Geography: Our own timeline - Baby to Adult

Science: Animals

Computing: We are Detectives

RE: Islam

Summer 1st Half Journeys

English: Recounts; Poetry; Instructions

Maths: Position and Direction and Problem Solving

History/Geography: Local History

Science: Living Thing and Their Habitats (microhabitats)

Computing: We are Zoologists

RE: Christianity

Summer 2nd Half Oh I do Like to be Beside the Seaside English: Poetry and Information text

Maths: Measurement: Time and Mass, Capacity and Temperature 

Science: Plants

Computing: We are Researchers

RE: Inspirational Writing

If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Donna Rankine.
Please read our termly curriculum letters for more information.
Homework Menu

Year 2 SATs Meeting

Autumn Term

We have had an exciting start to Year 2. We have listened to the story ‘Bedtime for Monsters’ by Ed Vere as part of our literacy topic. We have created our own backdrops and monsters, which we will use to write our very own monster books! We have been working with numbers in maths to develop our understanding of place value. We have been doing lots of partner work and playing different games to help our understanding.


We have a busy first topic with lots to look forward to! We will be learning about The Great Fire of London, which will also include a visit from the local fire brigade. We are also looking forward to our first Year 2 trip to the London Eye and a cruise on the River Thames where we will get to see lots of famous London landmarks.


Keep checking back for updates of what we have been up to!



We have enjoyed using the iPads as part of our topic and computing learning. We started off by learning how to use ‘Safe Search Kids’ which is the equivalent of a child friendly Google. We learnt how to search for and save images of different London landmarks. It was tricky at first to navigate around the images but we got the hang of it! In a second lesson we learnt how to use an app called ‘Comic Life’ which allows you to make a comic using your own images. With our partner we learnt how to pick a template for our comic and then how to insert the images we had saved from Safe Search Kids. Finally, we learnt how to change the text on the captions. We had lots of fun!



Year 2 had a fantastic school trip to London. First of all, we went to the 4D experience which we really enjoyed! We loved the feeling of the objects floating before our eyes. Next, we were ready for the London Eye where we were able to view lots of London’s famous landmarks that we had been learning about during our topic time. We finished off the day by going on a river cruise which gave us the chance to experience London via the River Thames.

Autumn 2 


Our topic for this half term is called ‘Pole to Pole’ where we will be learning about and comparing India and Antarctica. So far we have created our own diva lamps as part of our learning about Diwali as well as creating our own symmetrical rangoli patterns. We have also been using the iPads to research facts about India. We are looking forward to learning lots of facts about Antarctica so we can compare the two!


In literacy we have been learning about different poetry styles and we have enjoyed experimenting with our own poetry styles. We have particularly enjoyed acrostic poem writing.

We had an exciting visit from Nabhi who taught us about the story of Diwali by using us as actors to bring the story to life! We are looking forward to visiting Nabhi at the Hindu temple for our school trip. 

We enjoyed our afternoon at the Hindu temple where Nabhi spoke to us about the temple and Hindiusm.

Year 2 had a busy, fun filled day learning more about India in a practical way. We had fun dressing up in Indian style clothing and got involved in different workshops. We cooked a range of Indian foods including vegetable curry, peas pilau rice and mango lassi. We also had the opportunity to learn Indian drumming and bhangra dancing. We had so much fun! At the end of the day we performed dancing and drumming to our adults and then tucked into the delicious food we had cooked during the day.

Spring Term
This half term our topic is ‘Superheroes’. We are looking forward to lots of exciting activities this half term. As part of our history and geography focus we are learning about ‘Transport Through the Ages’. We have an exciting trip planned to visit the London Transport Museum. Look out for some pictures!
We have been enjoying practising our time stables on Times Tables Rockstars. We particularly love the arena where we can challenge our friends! If you would like to practise at home go to and use the username/password that is stuck into your homework book.

Year 2 enjoyed their trip to the London Transport Museum where they learned about transport through time. The children travelled back in time to the 1900s and got to experience what transport used to be like.

Year 2 had an exciting surprise to start our week off. We are going to be learning about animals and non-fiction reports as part of our literacy topic. We met lots of different animals from the Animal Experience group. Mitch taught us lots of facts about the animals and we were lucky enough to hold some of them! To find out more about the animals click this link

Summer Term

Year 2 had an exciting school trip to Crystal Palace park where Hugh met us to tell us all about the history of the Crystal Palace. Hugh showed us where the Crystal Palace would have stood and he pointed out that we could still see remains of the Crystal Palace today. He also shared lots of interesting facts with us. For example did you know that they buried the burnt remains of the Crystal Palace under the ground and then covered it with concrete and gravel? Our favourite part of the trip was designing and building our own Crystal Palace with our group. We had to join bamboo sticks together to create a structure that we could sit in.

Year 2 had fun collecting different textures out in the school playground as part of their learning about the artist William Morris. We used charcoal and gently rubbed it on top of paper to collect different textures. We then compared what we had collected. We will be learning more about William Morris and attempting to create some work in his style.
Year 2 had a fantastic trip to Littlehampton where we visited the RNLI centre and had a safety talk on the beach from the lifeguards. We learnt more about how to stay safe on the beach and what each of the different flags mean. We also had fun paddling in the sea.