

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve


Welcome to our Year 4 Classes


Topaz Class

Class Teacher: Nishad Karim
Teaching Assistant: Debbie Russell


Moonstone Class

Class Teacher: Hannah Langmead Thorpe
Teaching Assistant: Rosemary Manu


Year 4 Curriculum Map for 2016-2017


Topic focus

1st half

It's Electric

English: Grendel and the Cautionary Tales of Chocolate. 

Character descriptions,  Stories with Issues- Krindlekrax,  Letters 

Maths: Number And Place Value; Addition And Subtraction; Multiplication And Division; Geometry - Properties Of Shape; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

Geography: Crystal Palace

History: Timeline of inventions

Science: Electricity, Empiribox biology

Computing: We are software developers

RE: Hinduism

Art: Sketchbook- Project and observational drawings
Pictures of Ruskin

PE: Invasion games

2nd half

Party through the Centuries

English: Stories from other cultures and Poetic Form Core text: Journey to Jo'Burg

Maths: Multiplication And Division; Fractions And Decimals; Geometry; Problem Solving; Mental Maths 

Science: Sound

Computing: We Are Musicians

History: Leisure and Entertainment in the 20th Century

Art: Pop Art

DT: Making a musical instrument

RE: Hinduism

PE: Dance

1st half

Antarctic Adventure

EnglishDiariesNewspaper articlesNon chronological reports 

Maths: Multiplication And Division, Geometry And Measurement; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

Geography: Northern and southern hemispheres and climate zones

History: Shackleton's Adventures - Explorers

Science: States of Matter

Computing: We Are Meteorologists

RE: Why should we care for our world?

DT: Making 3D models of penguins

PE: Gymnastics

2nd half

English: Poetry, Information book,  Extended story 

Maths: Addition And Subtraction Word Problems; Multiplication And Division Word Problems; Geometry; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

Geography:  Biomes and the rain forest

Science: Living things and their habitats. Animals including humans.

History: Explorers

Computing: We Are HTML Editors

DT: Cooking with Fair Trade ingredients

RE: Why Should We Care For Our World?

Art: Watercolour paintings of landscapes

PE: Striking and Fielding Games

1st half

Roman Invasion

English: Historical recountsWriting from different points of view

Maths: Fractions And Decimals; Measurement; Statistics; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History: Ancient Romans



Artists, architects and designers in history. make Roman mosaics.


Science: Animals including humans (digestive system)

Computing: We Are Co-authors

RE: Christianity - the church




2nd half

Anglo- Saxons

English: Legends - creating settings, characters and plot

Maths: Number; Geometry - Position And Direction; Statistics; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History: Anglo-Saxon settlement

Science: Animals including humans (teeth)

GeographyAnglo Saxons and  Vikings settlements

Computing: We Are Toy Designers

RE: Golden Rules

Art: Sketches using a range of mediums - pencil and charcoal

PE: Athletics School Games Day-preparation


Please see our termly curriculum letter for more information.

If you have any queries, please contact the Class teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Nishad Karim.


Autumn term

We have all had a lovely time as we have settled into Year Four. We have been reading Grendel and the Cautionary Tale of Chocolate, which has been teaching us a valuable lesson. So far we have studied the story line in-depth and thought of our own three wishes. We have also been learning how to use our senses to describe a setting for our story. We have learnt about story structures and have used this to create our own book.



In our science topic this term, 'It's Electric', we will be experimenting with designing and testing how circuits work. Our trip to the Science Museum is looming and we are eagerly waiting to see the energy galleries to help us with our learning!


Spring term

The first half of the spring term has been very interesting.  Our class novel, ’Noah Barleywater Runs Away’, has us all on the edge of our seats, as we are yet to find out why Noah has left home. The pupils have been focussing on story structure and have done a great deal of work based on characterisation and setting. 


In addition, as part of our topic,’ Antarctic Adventures’, we were also able to do landscape paintings using watercolour. The finished paintings were stunning and were used to create an Antarctic display.


To further enhance the children’s historical knowledge about the Antarctic they were able to research information about Robert Falcon Scott and completed biographies about him.



Summer term

This term we are focusing on learning about the Romans based on the topic,’ Roman Invasion’. In literacy the pupils will learn about features of a newspaper article and will write their own about the Roman lifestyle and culture. They will also learn about Roman society through their core text, ’The Captive Celt’ by Terry Deary’s Roman Tales. The pupils will also learn about mosaics in their art unit of work and create mosaic patterns of their own. We will celebrate the term’s work by having a Roman Day where the children will participate in a variety of activities that existed during Roman times.
