

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Emergency Home Learning

Please note that you do not have to print anything out, just view on the screen and complete tasks on paper.


If you have any questions or you would like to share any work, please feel free to email the Year 2 Team at 


Click here to view the Year 2 blog. Our blog will include challenges, activities and updates of Year 2 home learning. You can click on the title of each blog to make a comment. 


Thank you for your support.

Hello Year 2

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Summer Holidays

Here are some fun activity booklets for you to complete over the summer if you would like some activities to complete.

Rockmount Sports Day from Home! W/C 13th July


This week we would like for you to take part in our Rockmount Sports Day from Home! This Sports Day can be completed independently or with siblings and is focused on encouraging you to achieve your personal best. This means you should try each activity at least 3 times to see if you can beat your previous scores and achieve your personal best. 

Coach Charlotte has put together some demonstration videos of each activity to show you exactly how they should be done. We understand that you may not have certain pieces of equipment at home. Therefore, we invite you to use your imagination to replicate the activities! For example, you could use a box to replicate a target area or a sock to replicate a bean bag. You could even use a toilet roll to replicate a football!

Attached below is a score card for you to download and use to record your scores and personal best. Please send them into the year group email address along with any photos of your Sports Day. We’d love to see how you get on!

Good luck!

Challenge 1

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Challenge 2

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Challenge 3

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Challenge 4

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Challenge 5

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Challenge 6

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Big Maths


Please click on the link for your child to complete their weekly Big Maths Challenges: (These can only be completed once a week online) You can also complete these challenges in paper form, which can be found in the CLIC pack below. 


If you need help logging in, please email and we will provide you with your log in details.


If you require any other information about Big Maths or the challenges please visit

Week Beginning 13th July

Weekly Activities with Voice overs from Ms Rankine and Ms Gorman



Wider Curriculum 


Week Beginning 6th July

Weekly Activities with Voice overs from Ms Rankine and Ms Gorman


Follow Katie Morag on her island tour of Struay and meet the friends and family who live on the island with her.


Wider Curriculum 

BBC Schools: Barnaby Bear - Episode 1 'Seaside'


Online Safety

CEOP KS1 Film : 'Lee & Kim' Cartoon Suitable 5 yrs -- 7 yrs

Useful Links



Tanzanite Class

Class Teacher: Donna Rankine

Class Teaching Assistant: Anna Strappelli


Amethyst Class

Class Teacher: Hayley Gorman 

Class Teaching Assistant: Lucy Smedley 

Year 2 Curriculum Map for 2019-2020


Half Term Topic Curriculum Area
Autumn 1st Half London...Ablaze!

English: Story writing; Diary Writing; Recount

Maths: Number: Place Value and Addition and Subtraction 

History/Geography: Great Fire of London/London Landmarks

Science: Everyday Materials

Computing: We Are Photographers

RE: Why are some things special?

Autumn 2nd Half Pole to Pole 

English: Poetry; Non-chronological Report; Instructions

Maths: Addition and Subtraction; Measurement: Money and Multiplication and Division

History/Geography: Comparing the UK with India and Antarctica 

Computing: We Are Researchers

ART/DT: Mixing materials to create a variety of textures

RE: Hinduism

Spring 1st Half Superheroes 

English: Story writing; Newspaper reports

Maths: Multiplication and Division; Statistics and Geometry: Properties of Shape

History/Geography: Transport through the ages

Science: Movement

Computing: We are Superheroes

RE: Islam

Spring 2nd Half Watch Me Grow

English: Non-Chronological Report; Books by a Significant Author

Maths: Fractions and Measurement: Length and Height

History/Geography: Our own timeline - Baby to Adult

Science: Animals

Computing: We are Detectives

RE: Islam

Summer 1st Half Journeys

English: Recounts; Poetry; Instructions

Maths: Position and Direction and Problem Solving

History/Geography: Local History

Science: Living Thing and Their Habitats (microhabitats)

Computing: We are Zoologists

RE: Christianity

Summer 2nd Half Oh I do Like to be Beside the Seaside English: Poetry and Information text

Maths: Measurement: Time and Mass, Capacity and Temperature 

Science: Plants

Computing: We are Researchers

RE: Inspirational Writing

If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Donna Rankine.
Please read our termly curriculum letters for more information.
Homework Menu

Autumn Term

Year 2 have had a fun start to the new school year. We have been enjoying learning all about London through our topic 'London...Ablaze!'. We have researched famous London landmarks and created our own fact files as well as fun activities such as attempting to build London landmarks out of Lego. We have just started to learn about the history of the Great Fire of London and the impact this had on London. We are looking forward to an exciting visit from the local fire brigade to teach us about the importance of fire safety, as well as our trip into London to go on the London Eye and on a cruise on the Thames. Keep an eye out for some pictures!

Year 2 had a fantastic trip to London where we went on the London Eye and enjoyed a cruise down the River Thames. We saw lots of the famous landmarks that we had learnt about throughout our topic.

Our topic for autumn 2 is ‘India’. We have been researching and recording facts about India to create our own non-fiction book. We have also planned and created a diva lamp as well as learning how to sketch famous Indian landmarks. We had a visit from Nabhi who is from a local temple. As part of our RE learning, he taught us about the story of Rama and Sita.

As part of our topic ‘India’, we had a day at school dedicated to India. Everyone dressed up in bright, colourful clothing and we took part in lots of activities. We started the day by helping to cook vegetable curry, potato curry, peas pilau rice, mango lassi, sweet lassi and coconut squares. We had just one afternoon to learn an Indian dance ready to perform for our adults. At the end of the day we sang a song to our adults that we have been learning in music. We also performed the dance and then we all got to eat the delicious food we had made.

Spring Term

Year 2 are enjoying our topic 'Poles Apart'. We have been exploring Antarctica through our own research which we have been using to create an explanation text. We have been amazed by some of the facts that we have learnt about Emperor penguins. Did you know that an adult Emperor penguin is the same size as an average 6 year old child! We have completed an experiment based on our learning in science about materials. We planned and built a raft to get the gingerbread man safely across the river. We really enjoyed testing our designs by seeing if the raft could float for 30 seconds without sinking. We then reviewed our designs and discussed what went well and what we would change next time.