

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!



Ruby Class

Class Teacher: Liz Waller

Class Teaching Assistant: James Taylor


Turquoise Class

Class Teacher: Hannah Walker

Class Teaching Assistant: Katie Wrigley

Year 3 Curriculum Overview for 2021-2022


Half TermTopicCurriculum Area
Autumn 1st HalfDinosaurs

English: Core Text - 'Dinosaur Cove' Non-Chronological Reports; Adventure Stories

Maths: Place Value ; Addition And Subtraction; Multiplication And Division; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

Science: Forces

History: Dinosaur Timelines; The Life of Mary Anning

Art: Sketching; Warm & Cool Colours; Fossil Printing

Computing: We Are Presenters

RE: Harvest Festival

PE: Invasion games

Autumn 2nd HalfPower of the Earth 

English: Core Text - 'Escape from Pompeii' Explanation Writing; Disaster Stories

Maths: Addition And Subtraction; Multiplication And Division; Measurement - Time; Statistics; Fractions; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

Geography: Volcanoes - Causes and effect

History: Pompeii

Science: Rocks

Art: Mosaics

DT: Create a working model of a volcano

Computing: We Are Programmers

RE: Hinduism

PE: Net and Wall Games

Spring 1st HalfWeather

English: Core Text - 'The Wizard of Oz' Setting descriptions; Play scripts; Non- Chronological Reports

Maths: Addition And Subtraction; Multiplication and Division; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History/Geography: Extreme Weather; Climate Zones; Map Work

Science: Bodies and Bones

Computing: We Are Communicators

RE: Christianity - Stories from the Bible

PE: Gymnastics

DT: Making Fruit Kebabs

Art: Collage - Mary McCleary

Spring 2nd HalfStone Age to Iron Age

English: Core Text - 'Stone Age Boy' Adventure Stories; Newspaper Reports

Maths: Statistics; Measurement; Mental Maths, Calculation Revision; Multiplication Tables

History: Stone Age to Iron Age

Geography: How human geography has changed over time

Art: Cave paintings

DT: Designing and making a Stone age tunic

Science: Bodies and Bones

Computing: We Are Bug Fixers

RE: Christianity - Jesus and Easter

PE: Striking & Fielding

Summer 1st HalfAncient Greece 

English: Core Text - Various Greek myths including 'Pandora's Box' & 'The Quest of Perseus' Myths and Legends; Persuasive Letters; Quest Myths

Maths: Place Value And Money; Addition And Subtraction; Multiplication And Division; Measurement; Statistics; Money; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History/Geography: What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?

Science: Light

DT: Make Greek food

Art: Greek vases

Computing: We Are Opinion Pollsters

RE: Why should we care for our world?

PE: Athletics

Summer 2nd HalfEurope

English: Core Text - 'The Boy who Biked the World' & 'On the Move: Poems about Migration by Michael Rosen' Recounts; Poetry; Travel Brochures

Maths: Place Value And Sequences; Multiplication And Division; Addition And Subtraction; Fractions; Geometry, Statistics And Measures; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

Geography: Study of Europe; Migration

DT: Make and taste European foods

Art: Studying the work of European artists

Science: Plants

Computing: We Are Network Engineers

RE: Why should we care for our world?

PE: Greek dance, preparation for School Games Day

If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Donna Rankine

Please read our half termly curriculum letters for more information.


Autumn Term

Year 3 have had an exciting start to the year! We are currently enjoying reading the adventure time-travel story called 'Dinsoaur Cove' and are looking forward to writing our own stories filled with cliff-hangers and suspense! We had fun acting out scenes from the book for our classmates.



We have begun our sketchbook journeys in Year 3 and have been busy experimenting with warm and cool colours before we create our final piece- a sunset silhouette watercolour painting with dinosaurs! Have a look at our work so far below:

Reach for the Stars!

We had a go at Archery for Reach for the Stars week. It was really fun but quite difficult at first! 

Science- Forces & Magnets

We have been learning all about forces in Science in Year 3 this half term. We have learnt about pushes and pulls and have been investigating which materials are magnetic and non-magnetic.

Adventure story writing in Literacy:

This week we have been adding features of suspense to our time-travel adventure stories. We have been looking at how we include lots of descriptive vocabulary, end on a cliff-hanger and leave the reader wanting more...

Crystal Palace Park- Dinosaurs!

On the 13th October Ruby & Turquoise walked to Crystal Palace Park to see the famous dinosaur statues. Even though we know they're not accurate representations of what dinosaurs looked like, we still had fun sketching the statues! We experimented using a range of different sketching pencils and graphite in our sketchbooks and tried to add detail too through shade and tone.

Science Boffins

Spring Term

Play scripts

We have been having fun performing the different parts in a play script before we have a go at writing our own one based on our class text, 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.'




Year 3 have been lucky enough to have some yoga sessions with Tabitha for our wellbeing focus this half term! 🥰


This half term we have been consolidating our knowledge of the column method to add and subtract. We are having a go at some challenging questions and playing games too!

Look how well our cress is growing!

Happy World Book Day!

Summer Term

In DT, we are going to be making our own healthy savoury dips. First, we did some taste testing and tried some different dips. We recorded what they smelt like, how they tasted, what they looked like and what their texture felt like. We then ranked them from our favourite to least favourite!

Trying a range of savoury dips
