

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Welcome to our Year 1 Classes


Amethyst Class

Class Teacher: Connor Skillen

Class Teaching Assistant: Dawn Holmes


Tanzanite Class

Class Teacher: Amy Carvall

Class Teaching Assistant: Lydia Kazibwe


"By building self-esteem and confidence in a nurturing environment we try to open the way for a lifelong love of learning."

Year 1 Curriculum Map for 2018-2019


Half Term Topic Curriculum Area
Autumn 1st Half 'Staying Alive'
English: Labelling/lists/captions
Maths: Number
Geography: The Continents
Science: Our Body
Computing: We Are Treasure Hunters
History: Florence Nightingale
RE: Why are we thankful?
PE: Games
Autumn 2nd Half 'Memory Box & Toys'
English: Story Writing

Maths: Number: Addition And Subtraction,Properties Of 2D And 3D Shapes
Geography: Seasons
History: Bonfire Night/ Guy Fawkes
Science: Weather
Computing: We Are Celebrating
RE: Festivals of Light

Spring 1st Half 'Fairy tales and Castles'

English: Story Writing/Retelling
Maths: Number - Place Value; Problem Solving;Mental Maths, Time
History/Geography: Castles
Science: Materials
Computing: We Are Story Tellers
RE: Hinduism
PE: Gymnastics

Spring 2nd Half 'Off we go to Mexico!'
English: Non - Fiction

Maths: Measurement -Time; Money; Problem Solving; Mental Maths
History/Geography: Geographical Comparisons
Computing: We Are Collectors
RE: Judaism

Summer 1st half 'The Enchanted woodland' English: Letter Writing/Invitations

Maths: Number - Division; Problem Solving; Mental Maths
Geography: Local Area Study
Science: Naming Trees And Plants
Computing: We Are Storytellers
RE: Christianity

Summer 2nd Half 'Carnival of the Animals'
English: Poetry

Maths: Geometry: Position And Direction; Problem Solving; Mental Maths
Geography: Name And Locate Five Oceans
Science: Naming A Variety Of Common Animals
Computing: We Are Celebrating
RE: Christianity

If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Amber Vijayaratnam.
Please read our termly curriculum letters for more information.

Autumn 1

In Year One, we have been settling the children into their new routine. Our topic is 'Staying Alive'  and we have been learning lots of exciting things about our bodies.  The children have been enjoying the story 'Funny Bones' and have been making  their own collages of skeletons and have had great fun dancing to 'The Skeleton Dance!' We have also been learning all about healthy eating and balanced diets. We started off by reading, 'Avocado Baby' by John Burningham and thinking about what would happen if we found a magic avocado!


Staying Alive - Dress up day !


We have been learning all about the different public services which help us to stay safe and be healthy, offering healthy lifestyle advice to Grendel and looking back in history to learn about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole!

Autumn 2

Our Topic: Memory Box & Toys


This topic focuses on History and Literacy  we will be exploring toys from the past and comparing them to the toys we play with now.  We also think about our lives so far and discuss our memories. We will talk about our families  and friends, our experiences and special celebrations. We will design and create our own memory boxes to keep our special memories. We hope that we can look back on these in years to come, to think about how we have changed as we have grown up.


V&A Museum of Childhood


As part of our topic Memory Box & Toys, Year One visited the V&A Museum of Childhood in Bethnal Green. 


The children will be participated in a workshop looking at toys from the past. The workshop was led by a member of staff from the museum. The children also had the opportunity to explore the museum and participate in activities linked to our toy topic.

Emotions & Wellbeing

Year One were lucky enough to work with Toya Walker - The children were given the opportunity to explore their emotions.

Spring 1: Fairy tales and Castles 

This topic focuses on History and Science. In Science we will be finding out about different materials and how we can classify materials into different groups based on their properties. We are looking forward to learning about lots of different fairy tales, including Aladdin and Rapunzel. We are studying the sequence of a fairy tale and looking at how we can include lots of descriptive vocabulary in our writing. In History we are exploring the features of a castle and comparing old and new. We are even making our own castle models on the workshop table.


Spring 2: Our Topic: Mexico 

We will continue to develop our understanding of different materials in Science, conducting a range of experiments testing the properties we have learnt about in Spring 1. The topic also has a big focus on Geography where we will be learning about a range of countries, including Mexico. We look forward to doing some Mexican cooking and learning the Mexican Hat dance in P.E.!

This half term the main mathematics focus will be on shape and data handling.

· Describing patterns and properties of 2D and 3D shapes

· Creating tally charts and bar charts and deducing information from them

· Creating and carrying out surveys

· Directional and positional language

Number work will continue during starter activities so we will continue to practise number bonds, counting on and back in multiples and securing number facts.


Pancake day !



The children have had lots of fun practising lots of yoga poses taught through the story of 'Adventure Island'. 

The children practised balancing postures, body awareness, flexibility as well as cooling and calming breathing. To conclude the session the children embraced relaxation time and felt really calm and focused afterwards. 

Summer Term


Yummy, our turn to cook again. We are getting really good at chopping up vegetables carefully. We know how to hold and use the knives safely. 



Alphablocks - lots of videos and games to help with recognising letters and reading. We watch Alphablocks in school so your child might recognise some of these already!

​Phonics Games - A variety of different interactive games

Phonics play - there are several free games to play that will help your child with their blending and segmenting.

Summer 1: The Enchanted Woodland


Habitat Boxes




Year 1 have been making habitat boxes!  Our topic is all about habitats and we used our new learning to create different habitats.  We made deserts, under the sea, rainforests and the arctic!  First we painted our boxes and printed different patterns on to them.  After this we built them up to make them 3D and then thought about the plants, insects and animals that lived in each habitat. Have a look!

Adventure Learning - Crystal Palace Park

Year One had an exciting school trip to Crystal Palace park where Hugh met us to tell us all about the history of the Crystal Palace. Hugh showed us where the Crystal Palace would have stood and he pointed out that we could still see remains of the Crystal Palace today. Hugh also shared lots of interesting facts with us. For example did you know that they buried the burnt remains of the Crystal Palace under the ground and then covered it with concrete and gravel?


Our favourite part of the trip was designing and building our own Crystal Palace with our group. We had to join bamboo sticks together to create a structure that we could sit in.

The Crystal Palace was a huge glass and iron structure originally built in 1851 for the Great Exhibition held in London's Hyde Park. Prince Albert, head of the Society of Arts, had the idea of an exhibition to impress the world with Britain's industrial achievements.


The whole building was enormous - 1,848 feet long and 408 feet wide including two huge towers and many fountains with over 11,000 jets rising into the air. Part of the gardens included a prehistoric swamp complete with models of dinosaurs. They were the first prehistoric animals ever built and came only around 30 years after dinosaurs were discovered.

Summer Two:Carnival of the animals


This topic will include lots of exciting art, music and geography. We will be making our own musical instruments and producing and recording our own music. In Art and DT the children will be recreating animal prints and mask making. In Geography, we will be learning about the world around us, as well as identifying a variety of animals and their features in Science.

In Literacy this half term we will be focusing on a variety of text types including stories from other cultures. Children will be writing fact files and creating projects focusing on animals around the world. We will also begin to explore poetry and write our own poems about animals.


Our main focus in mathematics will be number.

· Identifying one more and one less than a given number

· Becoming secure in number bonds to 10 and 20

· Identifying and representing numbers using objects and pictorial representations

· Counting in multiples of 2, 5 and 10

· Adding and subtracting one and two– digit numbers

· Recognising and knowing the value of different denominations of coins and notes



Special Experiences

Class photos : Friday 14th June

Sports Day:  Wednesday 3rd July.

Family day at Norwood park: Friday 19th July



BNF Healthy Eating Week 2019: Sleep well (Pyjama day!)
