

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve


Welcome to Nursery!



Silver Class

Class Teacher: Rhea Harris

Class Teaching Assistant: Lydia Kazibwe

Class Teaching Assistant: Linda Pavitt

Nursery Curriculum Overview for 2021-2022


Half termTopicCurriculum Area
Autumn 1st HalfGetting to Know Each Other

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication and Language

Understanding the World

Autumn 2nd HalfAutumn is all Around

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication and Language
Understanding the World

Physical Development

Spring 1st HalfPassport Around the World

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication and Language
Understanding the World

Physical Development

Spring 2nd HalfJurassic Journey

Communication and Language
Understanding the World


Summer 1st halfUnder the SeaCommunication and Language
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
Summer 2nd HalfWhat's Up There? (Space)Communication and Language
Understanding the World

The themes have been chosen to ensure that there is opportunity to cover all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.


Although specific areas of the curriculum have been highlighted, we plan for all areas to enable the children to experience a variety of play-based activities during their time in Nursery. 


If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Clare Garside

Please read our half termly curriculum letters for more information.

Autumn Term



The children have been watering our plants and picking our strawberries. Well done nursery for looking after our environment !

Mud Kitchen Adventures 


The children in nursery have been busy exploring the mud kitchen, making recipes and looking for insects.

Mark Making Fun 


The children have really enjoyed mark making in the garden. 

Spring Term

Number Fun


Nursery have been very busy learning numbers to 10 and counting up to ten objects. Great job nursery!!

Fine Motor Skills


Nursery have been developing their fine motor skills in a number of ways, which include painting, using lego and play dough. Fine motor skills involve the use of the smaller muscle of the hands, commonly in activities like using pencils, scissors, construction with lego or duplo,  doing up buttons and opening lunch boxes.

Sensory Play and Understanding of the World 


Nursery has been busy learning about fossils, plants and insects, through sensory play. The children are now developing a keen interest in caring for plants and insects in the nursery garden. 

Summer Term

Number Fun


In nursery the children have been doing a great job at learning how to count, spot and add numbers to 10 and beyond. 
