Parent/Carer Forum Protocol
The Parent/Carer Forum is a partnership between parents/carers and the school. The Forum is a means to share ideas, discuss ways in which we can improve our school and extend opportunities for our children. Each class has a Parent/Carer Representative who can be contacted via the class rep email - please see the Parent/Carer Forum Representatives list and details below.
Forum Aims
- To work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming environment which is inclusive for all parents/carers
- To act as a consultative body for the school in relation to the development of school policy and practice
- To share information, new ideas, knowledge and skills
- To consider opportunities which support the welfare and high quality education of all pupils
Terms of Reference
- The Forum is a body of parents/carers representing parents/carers across the school, meeting with senior school staff
- It is a constructive tool to facilitate consultation between school and parents/carers
- Any parent/carer may nominate themselves to become members of the Forum. Ideally, each class will have one representative. Nominations for members are invited at the beginning of the school year and during the year if a vacancy arises
- The Chair and Secretary of the Forum will be agreed by the members in the first meeting of the year. These roles will be agreed on an annual basis
- It will be the role of the class representative to collect any suggestions for agenda items
- Agenda items will be agreed by the Chair and school leaders and circulated in advance of the meeting
- The Forum will meet every half term and meetings are scheduled to last for no more than 90 minutes
- The Chair will lead the meeting and ensure that members take turns to speak through the Chair’s direction and respect each other’s opinions
- Minutes will be available for all parents/carers on the school website
- The Forum must not be used to raise specific areas of concern relating to individual children; these should be addressed through the child’s class teacher or Learning and Teaching Leaders in accordance with the school Communication Policy.
Parent/Carer Forum Representatives
Forum Presentations / Detailed Information
If you would like to view the detailed notes or resources from presentations given during Forum meetings, then please refer to the 'Presentations and Workshops' section under the 'Parents' tab or click here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Some items for discussion are raised regularly by different parent/carers. This section of the Parent/Carer Forum page is being developed to enable representatives to signpost parents and carers to the relevant section when subjects have been raised and discussed at meetings previously.
(Awaiting Content)