

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

We look forward to welcoming you all back in September 2024. You can find the Year 5 Transition Booklets here.


Have a wonderful Summer!


Turquoise Class

Class Teacher: Hannah Fryman

Class Teaching Assistant: Margaret Moloney


Ruby Class

Class Teacher: Daniel Ricketts

Class Teaching Assistant: Debbie Russell

If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase, Kofi Ampofo, or email the Year 5 team:

Please read our half termly curriculum letters for more information.

Spring Term

Tudor Stew

Through our Design Technology subject, the children designed and helped to make a Tudor Pottage. There were mixed opinions on the final product but everyone had a try. The children learnt how to handle a peeler, and used knives to cut up the vegetables using the bridge and the claw method.

Autumn Term

Science Workshop

Space science workshop

This half term we had a special visitor, Ava’s mum! We learnt about landing space rockets on the moon and how gravity effects a landing. To begin with, we discussed how the rockets are built to make sure they land on the moon safely.

We then began our experiment!

First, we built a rocket. We did this using two pieces of card to slot together. Second, we attached string with a paper clip to the top.Then, we tried to land our rockets in a hole in the moon. We had to keep our arm really still and straight. The rocket wasn’t allowed to touch the sides. We discovered, the longer the string, the harder it was to land the rocket and the shorter the string the easier it was to land the rocket. We even tried tying the string around our waist!

Second experiment: The movement of water in a test tube… with a twist!

For our second experiment we discussed the movement of water and how adding things such as a marble and powder effects the way it moved. This is called ‘Fluid dynamics’. We really enjoyed this experiment as we got to select different coloured powder than contained crystals to create a glittery space effect!

Virtual Reality Workshop

Year 5 enjoyed their virtual reality workshop where we 'blasted off' into space through a virtual reality headset. The children learnt about all the planets and enjoyed going to another dimension from their classroom. 

Evacuee Theatre Workshop

The children thoroughly enjoyed their immersive theatre visit where they were able to experience what it would have been like to be an evacuee during World War Two.  Year 5 had a chance to get in role especially with their props. The whole thing was set in five scenes all part of the evacuation scheme in WW2. It wasn’t just acting! We also sang two songs we learnt earlier in the day. The songs were ‘We will meet again’ by Vera Lynn and ‘Doing the Lambeth Walk’.  

Cultural Diversity Day

Year 5 enjoyed dressing up for cultural diversity day! It was great to talk about our different cultures and families together. 
