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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Year 5 Blog

Every couple of days we will set you a challenge/activity or ask a question for you to complete at home - You can reply via the comments button on here once you have done it or send us your response/ any photos etc to our Year 5 email address, which we will check regularly and we can share your responses on the blog!


Click here to go to the Year 5 blog.


We hope that everyone is safe and well. If you would like to send in any photos of your work, videos or Powerpoints etc please email us at -


Looking forward to seeing what you are all up to. Stay safe!!

Emergency Home Learning
In Year 5, we are following The Oak National Academy, which is endorsed by the government. We will provide links to English and Maths lessons to complete each day. They are sequenced, so it is important that you complete all of the sessions in order to gain a good understanding.

To find out more information, the link to The National Oak Academy is:

If your child is struggling to complete The National Oak Academy independently, we would advise that you follow the BBC Bitesize Schedule of lessons which are somewhat easier and simpler for children to follow independently. 

The link for the BBC schedule is:
You will need to click on the session to complete each day.

Please note that you do not have to print anything out, just view on the screen and complete tasks on paper.


Thank you for your support.

Summer 2 Homework Menu

Rockmount Sports Day at Home! W/C 13th July

This week we would like for you to take part in our Rockmount Sports Day from home! This Sports Day can be completed independently or with siblings and is focused on encouraging you to achieve your personal best. This means you should try each activity at least 3 times to see if you can beat your previous scores and achieve your personal best. 

Coach Charlotte has put together some demonstration videos of each activity to show you exactly how they should be done. We understand that you may not have certain pieces of equipment at home. Therefore, we invite you to use your imagination to replicate the activities! For example, you could use a box to replicate a target area or sock to replicate a bean bag. You could even use a toilet roll to replicate a football!

Attached below is a score card for you to download and use to record your scores and personal best. Please sent them into the year group email address along with any photos of your Sports Day. We'd love to see how you get on!

Good luck!

Challenge 1

Still image for this video

Challenge 2

Still image for this video

Challenge 3

Still image for this video

Challenge 4

Still image for this video

Challenge 5

Still image for this video

Challenge 6

Still image for this video


Hello Year 5,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. It's your last week as year 5! On Monday, you will all be having another meeting with your teacher in smaller groups, where we can discuss this week's learning, assignments you have completed and any questions you might have. Make sure that you check the the Google Classroom stream for the time you have been given by your teacher. We're all looking forward to seeing you again! 

Online Safety

THINKUKNOW are releasing a range of resources to support parents and children during COVID-19 and the closure of schools. Each fortnight they will be uploading home activity packs with 15 minute activities. Please complete these at home. The activities will be posted every fortnight below.


Please visit the website for any online safety support you may require:

Wider Curriculum

Hello Year 5,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Normality seems to be returning slowly, which is great! Those of you who have signed up to Google Classroom have had your introductory meet up with your teacher and other students, which was a lot of fun. If you have not signed up yet please do so as soon as possible. If you are having any issues, you can email us at the year5 email address below. On Monday, you will all be having another meeting with your teacher in smaller groups, where we can discuss this week's learning, assignments you have completed and any questions you might have. We're all looking forward to seeing you again!

Online Safety

THINKUKNOW are releasing a range of resources to support parents and children during COVID-19 and the closure of schools. Each fortnight they will be uploading home activity packs with 15 minute activities. Please complete these at home. The activities will be posted every fortnight below.


Please visit the website for any online safety support you may require:

We will be starting our Google Classrooms this week, so please remember to set up your logins. Details were sent by email to your adults. If you have not received these details, please email us at and we will resend them. We're looking forward to seeing you all!
Each week there will be a quick check in by your Year 5 teachers to let you know what we have planned for you. We may also include some fun facts and trivia! Remember to click 'slide show' when you open the PowerPoint and have the volume on your device turned up as we have managed to add some voice overlays. This will save you having to read everything and will also ensure that you don't forget our lovely voices!
Online Safety

THINKUKNOW are releasing a range of resources to support parents and children during COVID-19 and the closure of schools. Each fortnight they will be uploading home activity packs with 15 minute activities. Please complete these at home. The activities will be posted every fortnight below.


Please visit the website for any online safety support you may require:


During this term, our Science topic is Animals Including Humans; Living Things and Habitats. Therefore we are asking you to complete project on all things living.


You will find all the information you need. How you choose to set out your project is up to you - you might decide to create a Powerpoint you can share with me via email, or you might decide to complete a project by hand, using arts and crafts and writing. This is YOUR project, so it is entirely up to you how you present the information.


Each week we will set a topic for you to research and present in your project. Then by the end of this unit you should have a full project workbook/powerpoint/word document on Animals Including Humans; Living Things and Habitats.


W/B 29th June 2020


This week we are looking at The National Oak Academy Lessons - Lesson 2 - How do fossils provide evidence for evolution?


Lesson link:


Use any extra information you learn to amend your project.




Children's Art Week is a UK-wide programme that gives children and young people the opportunity to get involved in a wide range of art activities online, at home and in schools across three weeks in June and July. Each week will focus on a special theme.

Our 2020 themes are…


Week 1 (from 29 June): The Natural World
Week 2 (from 6 July): Connecting across generations
Week 3 (from 13 July): Literacy and creative writing


Follow the links below and have a go at either:


1) Relaxation through art with artist Brenda Coyle - creating beautiful meditative flowers.


2) Make and Create - Sunflowers by Van Gogh.


Drawing inspiration from Mr Ricketts' transformation of the pond area, we thought a nature theme would be good to start off our art. Don't forget to send in pictures of anything that you do to:







Onyx Class

Class Teacher: Kofi Ampofo

Class Teaching Assistant: Sumra Ahmed


Jet Class

Class Teacher: Daniel Ricketts

Class Teaching Assistant: James Taylor


Zircon Class

Class Teacher: Grace Dawson

Class Teaching Assistant: Clare Robinson

Year 5 Curriculum Map for 2019-2020


Half Term Topic Curriculum Area
Autumn 1st Half The Eagle has Landed

History/ Geography - The Eagle Has Landed (Space and space travel)

P.E - Invasion games - Football and Netball skills

Science - Electricity

Computing - Researching and designing a blog

Art/ D.T - Studying Alan Bean (an astronaut turned artist )and recreating some of his work

R.E- Why do you judge me? - Understanding more about discrimination.

Autumn 2nd Half World War

History/Geography - The effects of World War I and II locally and nationally

P.E - Dance - Diwali dance

Science - Earth and Space

Computing - We are architects

Art/ D.T - Looking at artists, architects and designers in history

R.E - Christianity - The significance for Christians of the ten commandment

Spring 1st Half The Terrible Tudors

History/ Geography - The Tudors

P.E - Gymnastics - Balancing

Science - Light

Computing - Designing and creating a website using Weebly

Art/ D.T - Sculpture - experimenting with form while making Tudor crafts

R.E- Sikhism

Spring 2nd Half Shifting Sands in Africa

History/Geography - Shifting Sands of Africa (Egyptians)

P.E - Striking and fielding games - Rounders

Science - Light

Computing - We are cryptographers

Art/ D.T - The natural environment - Landscapes

R.E - Sikhism

Summer 1st Half Invaders

History/ Geography: Learning about the Viking invaders and the legacy they left. Reading and producing maps of where the Vikings came from and where they settled.

P.E: Swimming and athletics in preparation for sports day.

Science : Animals including humans

Computing : Programming - Using ‘Scratch’ to learn how to write code in order to make an animated figure move across the screen.

Art/ D.T: Designing and making a Viking Longboat.

R.E: Islam

Summer 2nd Half Rain drops keep falling on my head

History/ Geography: Learning about the water cycle. Drawing and labelling diagrams of the water cycle.

P.E: Swimming and dance.

Science : Animals including humans

Computing: Programming - Using ‘Scratch’ to learn how to write code in order to make an animated figure move across the screen.

Art/ D.T: Painting - Learning different techniques used to create landscape paintings.

R.E: Islam

If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Viv Bull.
Please read our termly curriculum letters for more information.

Autumn Term

So far this autumn term, Year 5 have really enjoyed learning about space and in particular the Moon Landing. The children have made space rocket models, biscuits you can eat in space and used different computer programs to simulate a rocket launch, which then orbits the Earth.


The children have also enjoyed reading George’s Secret key to the Universe, which has really influenced some of their writing. They have written some very descriptive pieces, detailing what it would be like to go into space. They were also given the opportunity to do some free writing with only the title of ‘Alien Encounter’ given to them. Some of their excellent stories are now on display.


To cap the topic off, the children visited the Science Museum, where they were able to learn even more about space by watching 3D movies on the Hubble Telescope, The Moon Landing and Planet Earth.


During Autumn term 2, we will be learning all about the World Wars, so stay tuned for some wonderful pieces of poetry and your children regaling you with interesting facts about the conflicts.

Onyx Class World Book Day
Homework Menu