

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Get Cooking

There are lots of benefits to cooking with children, the main benefit being that cooking is fun! Allowing your child to support cooking at home will also benefit other areas of development such as confidence, problem solving, following instructions, creativity and physical skills such as fine motor and eye-hand coordination.


Cooking allows for a practical opportunity to apply skills linked to the curriculum in many ways, for example:

Maths - when cooking, we weigh ingredients and use timers

Literacy - reading and writing recipes, writing taste reviews 

Science - observing the changes that are taking place



How to safely cut food 


​When preparing food, it is important to do so safely. Please watch the clips below to learn more about the 'The Bridge Hold' and 'The Claw Grip' which are techniques that we learn and use at school. Encourage your child to use the same grip if they are helping you at home. 

The Bridge Hold

The Claw Grip


Get Cooking!

Last year, we teamed up with our catering company Pabulum in order to give the children the opportunity to produce a vegetarian dish that appeared on our menu in the summer term. Why don't you have a go at cooking one of the delicious entries from below?

Cooking at home

Take a look at the links below for some tasty recipe ideas to cook at home. 
