

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Work submitted by Emerald Class

Here's Sports Day HLM style! Brilliant work H!

sports day edit final.mp4

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It's quiz time thanks to IW.

Anglo Saxons

Thank you to DG and OP for their hard work in researching the Anglo Saxons. DG focused on the Anglo Saxon Gods and OP's power point has loads of information about Anglo Saxon life. Well done boys!

DL is missing her friends and I am sure they are missing you DL! Get ready to smile!


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Do you want to know a bit more about HLM's sweet dispensing Iron Man? Watch this video and maybe you can have a go at making your own.

iron man mode video.MOV

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What is your favourite dog breed?

DL has been doing some research on her favourite breed of dog, the golden retriever. She has been doing some research to find out more about them as she would like to have one as a pet. Well done DL.

Roman Emperors

Have a look at D's presentation to find out about the worst of the Roman Emperors!

Miss You

Be prepared to smile and maybe shed a tear when you watch this wonderful message from WA. A big thank you W for reminding us of how fabulous Emerald class are!



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Emerald Authors

We have some fantastic story writers in Emerald class. Enjoy DL's roman myth  and DT's imaginative take on a familiar story. Well done girls and I hope other readers enjoy your stories as much as I did!

As well as cycling MD has been busy conducting a scientific experiment about the strength of bridges. I wonder if it was the sight of Tower Bridge that made her think of it?! The instructions are at the end if you want to have a go for yourself. If you don't have any weights you can easily make some by weighing ammounts of dried rice or pasta into a bag and using that instead. Which bridge do you think will be the strongest? Have fun!
Lost by MD. A story inspired by a very long bike ride up to London and back! 
Watch these videos to see DL's judo moves! Can you learn them too?

Karate Red Belt Kata-1.m4v

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Red belt move

Orange Belt-1.m4v

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Orange belt move

White Belt-1.m4v

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Here is another fantastic film , telling the story of Romulus and Remus sent in by HLM. The film making talent in Emerald class is brilliant!

Romulus and Remus.mp4

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Bunny Update!

Thought you all might like to see this! The twins took a slow motion video of Everest and Dougie licking squashed strawberries from the bars of their run! If any of you have pets send in a photo!


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For all you need to know about Cacti, MH's power point is full of information! We are currently working on downsizing the file to be able to upload it. Watch this space.

Read SW's updated myth right here! Great job S.


Thank you to DG for these informative and well presented power points about the Romans and Boudicca


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A big thank you to DL for the hard work that has gone into this fantastic true story about the history of this amazing building. Well done D!
Emerald class are fantastic! Read this great story sent in by SW who used the idea of two brothers fighting and made it very topical. Well done S!
Here is DL riding her bike at dawn. D has made a recording of the sounds she can herebut we are having a problem uploading them. Watch this space!

Welcome back to a new week! Thank you to everyone who is sending in pictures of all the things that they have been up to.

JT has been super busy! It's good to see he is getting all his spelling correct as well as everything else he has been busy doing!

Its not just Mr Haines who can rock and roll! Well done girls!

IW sisters video.m4v

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Well done IW, for 2 fantastic pieces of work based on our Roman topic. What a brilliant set of instructions o how to trap a gladiator, as well as a great labelled diagram of a Roman soldier in uniform. After completing these tasks, she made some tasty cakes with her sister! Great work.
A big thank you to DG for his hard work on these great power points about Cheetahs and Plastic Pollution.
Watch this brilliant film created by MH to find out all about the Roman invasion!

M video.mp4

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Be prepared to be very scared! This is the first chapter of H's Goosebumps story!
Thank you to IW for some fantastic research work done on the Romans. Well done.
H has been busy building this brilliant model of the Colosseum.
It was lovely to hear from MD who has also been very busy while on lockdown! She has been baking amongst a lot of other things!
This lock down can very worrying for people. MD has made a worry box to post all her worries in. Her worry box looks fierce enough to scare all the worries away!
She has also been a film maker!! The ideas for this are endless if you would like to have a go! You can use lego figures, make them from plasticine or even draw them and stick them to the end of a pencil to move them without your hand being in the shot. You could bring a scene from your favourite story to life or recreate a gladiator fight in the Colosseum! Please send in the results for us all to enjoy.

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JT has been very busy, not just researching, but building the Colosseum! Are there any other budding builders out there? I can't wait to see.
This fantastic story has been sent in by SW. I love the thought of a ….whoops! Nearly a spoiler alert! Read it for yourselves! If you want ideas for a story of your won, look at the useful links at the bottom of the Year 4 page. There is a link to a site that will help you with ideas for your own story.
This power point by OP has lots of great Roman facts. Well done O!