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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve


Welcome to Reception!



Crystal Class

Class Teacher: Amy Carvall

Class Teaching Assistant: Zara Job


Quartz Class

Class Teacher: Clare Garside

Class Teaching Assistant: Anna Divilly


Teaching Assistant across Reception: Michelle Verrall-Withers

Reception Curriculum Overview for 2021-2022


Half TermTopicCurriculum Area
Autumn 1st Half   The Wonderful World of Fairy Tales

Personal Social and Emotional Development

Communication and Language

Understanding the World

Physical Development

Autumn 2nd HalfFood and FestivalsUnderstanding the World


Spring 1st HalfSuperheroes and People Who Help Us

Personal Social and Emotional Development


Spring 2nd HalfSpring and New LifeUnderstanding the World


Summer 1st halfAnimals

Understanding the World


Expressive Arts and Design

Summer 2nd HalfWater

Expressive Arts and Design


Understanding the World

The themes have been chosen to ensure that there is opportunity to cover all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.


Although specific areas of the curriculum have been highlighted, we plan for all areas to enable the children to experience a variety of play-based activities during their time in Reception. 


If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Clare Garside

or email the reception team:

Please read our half termly curriculum letters for more information.

Autumn Term

What a wonderful time we have been having, settling into our new environment and making new friends. We are really enjoying our topic about fairy tales and especially love playing in our role play areas -  'The Three Pigs houses' and 'Grandma's Cottage' from Little Red Riding Hood. We are becoming experts at re-telling these traditional tales!

Spring Term

We are having a fun half term learning about superheroes and the heroes in our community. We know that firefighters, the police, paramedics and all the people who help us are so important to keep us safe and well. We have been enjoying acting out some of these roles in our pretend play.


We have also made a superhero city with modroc and used all the information we now know, to have a go at writing and counting. 

We had an amazing Superhero Day, where we dressed up as our favourite superheroes and spent the day saving the world!

As part of Children's Mental Health Week, we have launched our new Zen Garden. The theme is 'Growing Together', which is perfect for the tranquillity of our Zen Garden which has lots of stones, plants, water and a healing tree.


"The Zen Garden is calm and we can relax." Esme

"In the Zen Garden we read lovely books and the octopus toy tells us what feeling we are." Leo

"The Zen Garden is so nice and you have a good feeling." Benas


"The Zen Garden makes me calm." Bodhi


"I love the noise of the river." Remi

Our Dance-a-Thon was a great success and so much fun. We danced for 30 minutes and 20 seconds and raised an incredible £580!


Thank you to our parents and carers for sponsoring us - you are so generous. 


Thank you so much!

With your very generous Dance-a-Thon sponsor money, we have bought lots of new equipment for our outside area. The staff and children in Reception really appreciate our new improved learning environment, so thank you again.


Here are a few comments from the children:


" I like the swing ball." Otis


" The ice cream area in the sand is my favourite bit." Suki


"I like the art gallery because I can paint and clip it back up and take another piece off." Emma


"You can put the things somewhere else if you use the wheelbarrow." Dot


"The green area is good because of the bouncy hoppers and the obstacle course." Willow


"I like football in the green area." Benas


"The water area is my favourite because I like turtles." Orson


"The leaf blower is quite powerful to be honest. It was moving little bits of soil." Arthur 



We had lots of fun pond dipping. We saw signs that spring is finally here!


As we have been learning about life cycles, we could recognise frogspawn and tadpoles, but we didn't see any frogs. We saw some minibeasts, including water boatmen.

Summer Term

We were very lucky to have a visit from a local author called Ross Montgomery. He has written a funny book called, 'Ten Delicious Teachers' and he came into school to talk to us about it. We helped him read the story and we talked about the characters. We even created our very own monster.

We spent an afternoon making minibeast habitats after reading, 'Superworm' by Julia Donaldson. We even made a playground for Superworm, using conkers, string and curtain rings to make monkey bars and swings.

Well done to all of Reception for a fantastic sports day.

We had such an interesting and exciting time when the Zoo Lab came to visit us. We found out that cockroaches can hang upside down without food for days and that giant snails have eyes at the end of tentacles on top of their heads!
