

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Our Wonderful Work

Amber has made a beautiful picture of the solar system. Can you see the planet Earth? Thank you for sending your amazing picture in.

Amber's solar system

Stella enjoyed making this amazing rocket during the week and has been zooming to the moon with it! Thank you for sending in these lovely photos.

Stella's rocket

Skye has made a lovely space picture with the names of the planets - great writing. Thank you for sending this in.

Skye's space picture

Stella made a poster of the Earth today. It looks great. Thank you for sharing the photo with us.

Stella's Earth poster

Amelie has been very busy, making papier mache creations as well as learning how to ride a bike without stabilisers, well done! Thank you for sending in these lovely photos.

Amelie has been busy

Amber is really enjoying learning about space and has a new alien called Blob Blob. Amber has even painted a picture of Blob Blob. Thank you very much for sharing your photos.

Amber and Blob Blob

Izabela has been drawing and colouring some beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing your photos.

Izabela's work

Tilly has been fishing. Look at the gigantic fish that Tilly is holding. Thank you for these lovely photos. 

Tilly has been fishing

Lucas has been learning all about fish. Thank you for sending us this video and all the photos. Amazing work.

Lucas and his fish

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Lucas made a fish tank

Bea has been learning about her five senses. Thank you for sharing this with us.

Bea's five senses

Arlo has been busy making an amazing pirate telescope and map. I can see x marks the spot! I hope you found some treasure. Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos and showing us your lovely parrot.

Arlo the pirate

Stella has dressed up as a pirate and made a pirate telescope. What can you see, Stella?

Stella the pirate

Izabela has drawn a sheep. Lovely pencil control and thank you for sharing.

Izabela's sheep

Cristiano has been painting a mask. Thank you for sending in this photo.

Cristiano's painting

Look at what Tilly has been doing over the last few weeks. Thank you for sending in these great photos.

Tilly being busy

Tilly also made a video of when she made music and when she washed the windows.

Tilly making music

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Tilly washing the windows

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Izabela has been drawing today. She has been drawing a pirate. Thank you for sending in your lovely photos. 

Izabela's pirate

Lucas has been marbling and made some amazing sea creatures. Thank you to Isaac for giving Lucas the idea to hang his fish from the window.

Lucas marbling

Stella has completed a dot-to-dot all by herself. Thank you, Stella.

Stella's dot-to-dot

Mila has been playing Shape Monsters. Thank you for having a go, Mila.

Mila playing Shape Monsters

Hana has been playing with the sand in her beautiful garden. Thank you for sharing this video with us.

Hana in her garden

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Hana has also been making a sculpture. What did Hana use to build it? Thank you for this video too.

Hana's sculpture

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Amelie has been learning about bees and honey this week. Thank you for sharing your amazing beehive with us.

Amelie's beehive

Izabela has been painting. Thank you for sending in your lovely pictures.

Izabela's paintings

Frank has been playing the Shape Monster game. Have you had a go at recognising the shapes? Thank you for sharing your video with us.

Frank's shape monsters

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Here's a photo of Frank listening to Tiddler. Thank you for listening.

Frank listening to Tiddler

Stella has made an o for octopus! What has Stella used to make her lovely picture? Thank you for sending it in.

O is for octopus

Skye has made a picture of some fish and a starfish - amazing. Skye wrote lots of numbers and even the word starfish. How many triangles did Skye use? Thank you for sending in your photos, especially the photo where you are flying your kite.

Skye's photos

Izabela has been very busy. Look at all Izabela's writing and drawing. I love your butterfly. Thank you for sharing these photos with us.

Izabela's photos

Isaac has been very busy. He has made an underwater scene, a volcano and a weather vane. Wow, what wonderful work! Thank you, Isaac.

Isaac's wonderful work

Isaac also made an amazing dinosaur fossil. Thank you for sending in your video.

Isaac's fossil

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Stella read 'Tiddler' by Julia Donaldson and then made a treasure chest. When you listen to me reading the story, see if you can find the page where Tiddler says that he swam into a treasure chest.

Thank you Stella, for sharing your photos.

Stella's sea treasure chest

Mila has enjoyed building with her brother and using the blocks to spell out their names. Thank you for sending in your photos, Mila.

Mila's photos

What a lovely drawing of an octopus, Amber. Look at Amber's writing and numbers. How many tentacles does an octopus have? Thank you for this great work.

Amber's octopus

Amelie has been learning about the solar system. She pretended to be the Earth and her mummy was the sun. Amelie got very dizzy rotating around the Earth! Thank you for sending in your super work, Amelie.

Amelie's solar system

Stella has been celebrating Captain Tom's 100th birthday and counted to 100! Amazing. Thank you for sharing your picture with us, Stella.

Stella's birthday wishes to Captain Tom

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Lucas has had lots of fun using the fossil recipe to make dinosaur fossils. Look at the lovely scene that he has made. Lucas can play with his fossils and toy dinosaurs in his dinosaur world. Thank you for sharing this with us, Lucas.

Lucas setting the scene

Lucas and his dinosaurs

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Today, Stella has been practising her numbers. How many fish does Stella have altogether?

Stella's numbers

Look at what Tilly has been up to. She has been exercising with Cosmic Yoga; playing with her dog; baking some cakes and drawing fish. Can you point to the largest fish? How many fish did Tilly draw? I wonder if Tilly has eaten all of the cakes? How many cakes did Tilly bake? Thank you for sending in these lovely photos.

Tilly's photos

Amber has drawn this beautiful picture and written the word 'fish', as well as her name. Thank you and well done, Amber. How many fish are there?

Amber's fish

Stella has made a sealife picture. How many sea creatures can you see? Stella has also written the word, 'fish' and her name. Thank you and well done.

Stella's sea creatures

Ezra loves his ladybird and will be making some more. Thank you for sharing your photo, Ezra.

Ezra's ladybird

Niamh followed the fossil recipe and mixed the ingredients together to make the dough. She then had a lovely time playing and making the fossil prints with her toys. Thank you Niamh, for all your hard work.

Niamh's fossils

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Bea has made an interesting booklet with words and pictures. Have a look at Bea's lovely drawings and read her excellent writing. Thank you for emailing it to me, so that we can all have a good read.
Look what Stella has made. Do you recognise this character? I wonder what Stella used to make it? Thank you for sending in this photo of your marvellous model.

Elmer by Stella

Amelie has been very busy. She decorated some eggs for Easter, which is traditional in Austria and made her very own ocean. Thank you Amelie, for this amazing project.

Amelie's project

Frank's fossils

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Frank made some dinosaur fossils which are amazing. Thank you for sharing your lovely work with us.