

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!


Welcome to our Year 2 Classes


Emerald Class

Class Teacher: Lyndsey Smith

Class Teaching Assistant: Claire Byrnes and Danielle Norwood (SEND)


Garnet Class

Class Teacher: Hayley Gorman 

Class Teaching Assistant: Rebecca Burridge 



Year 2 Curriculum Map for 2017-2018


Half Term Topic Curriculum Area
Autumn 1st Half London...Ablaze!

English: Story writing; Diary Writing; Recount

Maths: Number: Place Value and Addition and Subtraction 

History/Geography: Great Fire of London/London Landmarks

Science: Everyday Materials

Computing: We Are Photographers

RE: Why are some things special?

Autumn 2nd Half Pole to Pole 

English: Poetry; Non-chronological Report; Instructions

Maths: Addition and Subtraction; Measurement: Money and Multiplication and Division

History/Geography: Comparing the UK with India and Antarctica 

Computing: We Are Researchers

ART/DT: Mixing materials to create a variety of textures

RE: Hinduism

Spring 1st Half Superheroes 

English: Story writing; Newspaper reports

Maths: Multiplication and Division; Statistics and Geometry: Properties of Shape

History/Geography: Transport through the ages

Science: Movement

Computing: We are Superheroes

RE: Islam

Spring 2nd Half Watch Me Grow

English: Non-Chronological Report; Books by a Significant Author

Maths: Fractions and Measurement: Length and Height

History/Geography: Our own timeline - Baby to Adult

Science: Animals

Computing: We are Detectives

RE: Islam

Summer 1st Half Journeys

English: Recounts; Poetry; Instructions

Maths: Position and Direction and Problem Solving

History/Geography: Local History

Science: Living Thing and Their Habitats (microhabitats)

Computing: We are Zoologists

RE: Christianity

Summer 2nd Half Oh I do Like to be Beside the Seaside English: Poetry and Information text

Maths: Measurement: Time and Mass, Capacity and Temperature 

Science: Plants

Computing: We are Researchers

RE: Inspirational Writing



If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Donna Rankine.


Please read our termly curriculum letter for more information.

Autumn Term


In Year 2 we have been learning all about the amazing landmarks of London. We can’t wait for our trip on the London Eye and our cruise up The River Thames!


Later this half term we will be learning about The Great Fire of London and we will write our own diary entries like Samuel Pepys.


We have all been working very hard in maths to develop our understanding of place value. We have worked with our partners to find different ways to make a range of numbers. 


Year 2 are very excited about the whole school times table challenge and we have been trying very hard to learn our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. 


In our computing lessons we are learning to be Photographers. We have taken lots of interesting pictures of everyday materials and we are going to create our own comic strips.​

This half term we have been learning all about the Hindu religion. We enjoyed taking part in a Diwali assembly. We had great fun retelling the story of Rama and Sita and dressing up as the different characters. Both Garnet and Emerald were lucky enough to get the opportunity to visit a local Hindu temple. During our visits, we observed a traditional ceremony and enjoyed singing and dancing.


Flat Stanley made a guest appearance in Year 2!

He arrived via the post and we enjoyed following his interesting adventures. We used our imaginations to create our own Flat Stanley stories and enjoyed sharing them with our peers.


As part of our Design Technology project, we created our own globes using Papier Mache. This has helped us to learn where the different continents of the world are and we are now all experts! Next, we are going to write a set of instructions to support other children in the school to make their own globes in the future.

Spring Term

This half term our topic is ‘Superheroes’. We are looking forward to lots of exciting activities, particularly our superhero dress up day. As part of our history and geography focus we are learning about ‘Transport Through the Ages’. We have an exciting trip planned to visit the London Transport Museum. Look out for some pictures!

We enjoyed our visit to the London Transport Museum to help us finish off our topic. We had some time to explore the museum and learn lots of new facts about transport. Throughout the day in smaller groups we met a magician whose special skill was time travel! We climbed through a time machine and ended up in the 1900s. The magician gave us a guided tour of transport from the 1900s. We enjoyed some role play, pretending to be ‘posh’ ladies and gentlemen on the tube. Here are some photos!

Garnet Class had a very special visitor. We were visited by 'Super Lettuce!'. A member of the class had created a superhero based on her pet guinea pig, Lettuce. We were very excited to meet Lettuce in role!

Year 2 had a surprise workshop today! For part of our literacy topic we are going to be writing a non-chronological report. To ensure the topic got off to an exciting start we invited a range of animals in to visit the children. The children will be writing a non-chronological report based on spiders. One of the animals the children got to meet was a tarantula called Borris! We learnt lots of facts about spiders. Ask your child to tell you a fact that they learnt today, for example, did you know that tarantulas are quite fragile?  


We have also been reading ‘Charlotte’s Web’ by E.B.White and have just been introduced to a character called Charlotte (who is a spider). We are excited to continue reading about Wilbur’s adventures.


Have a look at to learn more about the animals that came to visit us today!

Summer Term


Year 2 were excited that their parents could join them for a delicious lunch. What was your favourite part of the meal? We enjoyed the yummy curry and ice cream for dessert!

The Royal Wedding

We all had a wonderful time celebrating the royal wedding. The sun was shinning brightly for our picnic and we enjoyed eating our lunch outside in the sunshine. Emerald class had a fantastic time celebrating the 'marriage' of our own royal couple Malayeka and Oliver. I'm sure you will all agree that they look lovely in their wedding outfits!





Click the link below to access the pupil wellbeing questionnaire.

