

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve


Welcome to our Year 2 Classes


Jet Class

Class Teacher: Lyndsey Smith
                       Simon Bendel (Trainee Teacher)

Teaching Assistant: Rebecca Burridge

Zircon Class

Class Teacher: Waseela Umar 

Teaching Assistant: Zara Job

                             Zoey Grundstoks (SEND)


Onyx Class

Class Teacher: Donna Rankine

Teaching Assistant: Anna Strappelli


Year 2 Curriculum Map for 2016-2017



Topic focus

1st half


English: Story writing; Diary Writing; Recount

Maths: Number - Place Value; Adding and Subtracting; Problem solving using addition and subtraction; Measure: estimate and measure lengths using rulers and scales

History/Geography: Great Fire of London/  London Landmarks

Science: Everyday Materials

Computing: We Are Photographers

RE: Why are some things special?

2nd half

Pole to Pole 

English: Poetry; Non-chronological Report; Instructions

Maths:  Measures; Graphs; multiplication and division 

History/Geography: Comparing the UK with India and Antarctica 

Computing: We Are Researchers

ART/DT: Mis materials to create a variety of texturesx

RE: Hinduism

1st half


English: Story writing; Newspaper reports

Maths: Number - Place Value; Number - Addition and Subtraction; Multiplication and Division; Measure; Mental Maths

History/Geography: Transport through the ages

Science: Movement

Computing: We are Superheroes

RE: Islam

2nd half

Watch Me Grow

English: Non-Chronological Report; Books by a Significant Author

Maths: Number; Measure - Capacity and Data; Fractions; Money; Time; Mental Maths

History/Geography: Our own timeline - Baby- Adult

Science: Animals

Computing: We are detectives

RE: Islam

1st half


English: Recounts; Poetry; Instructions

Maths: Fraction; Number - place value; All Four Operations; Geometry; Mental Maths

History/Geography: Local History

Science: Living Thing and Their Habitats (microhabitats)

Computing: We are zoologists

RE: Christianity

2nd half
 Oh I do like to be beside the seaside



If you have any queries, please contact the Class teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Donna Rankine.


Autumn term

Year 2 have started the autumn term exploring the story, 'Bedtime for Monster' by Ed Vere. They enjoyed role play and making their own books. 

We have also been researching London landmarks and finding out about the history of London. We are looking forward to making and evaluating our own landmarks of London and some children have already made replica models.
Our topic focus for term 2 was 'India'. During our Indian Experience Day, we enjoyed preparing and cooking a range of delicious dishes including potato curry, pea pilau rice and coconut squares. We had the opportunity to try Indian dancing and drumming and we had great fun performing our new skills to our parents. At the end of the day we all enjoyed our tasty food.
We have also been learning about Hinduism and we were lucky enough to visit the Hare Krishna temple. During our visit we learnt about Hindu worship and identified the important scriptures in the temple.

Spring term

Year 2 entered into a time travelling machine and embarked on an investigative journey through history to discover the differences between types of vehicles and how people travelled in the past. They went to the London Transport Museum to experience what these vehicles were really like. 

We have been reading 'Leon and the Place Between', a fantastic book about magic. The children wrote letters to Mrs Langridge (our Head Teacher) persuading her to invite a real magician into school. Mrs Langridge was so impressed, a magician mysteriously appeared the next day. 
Year 2 visited the Hindu Temple in South Norwood to find out about Hinduism. They observed how traditional Hindus worship and were able to ask the priest lots of inquisitive questions.