

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!



Moonstone Class

Class Teacher: Hannah Fryman

Class Teaching Assistant: Dawn Holmes


Sapphire Class

Class Teacher: Waseela Umar & Rene Tucknott

Class Teaching Assistant: Anna Gruszecka


Moonstone: Thursday afternoon

Sapphire: Friday afternoon



Sapphire: Thursday morning 

Moonstone: Friday morning 

Year 1 Curriculum Overview for 2021-2022

Half TermTopicCurriculum Area
Autumn 1st Half'Staying Alive'English: Labelling/lists/captions
Maths: Number
Geography: Local Area: London
Science: Animals including humans 
Computing: We Are TV Chefs
History: Significant Individuals 
RE: Why are we thankful?
PE: Games
Autumn 2nd Half'Fairy tales and Castles'English: Story Writing

Maths: Number: Addition And Subtraction, Properties Of 2D And 3D Shapes
Geography: Seasons
History: Famous Kings and Queens 
Science: Seasonal Changes
Computing: We Are Celebrating
RE: Christianity

Spring 1st Half'Space' English: Story Writing/Retelling
Maths: Number - Place Value; Problem Solving;Mental Maths, Time
History/Geography: Famous Kings and Queens, 7 continents
Science: Everyday Materials
Computing: We Are Artists
RE: Judaism
PE: Gymnastics
Spring 2nd Half'Off we go to Mexico!'English: Non - Fiction

Maths: Measurement -Time; Money; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

Science: Everyday Materials
Geography: Geographical Comparisons
Computing: We Are Publishers
RE: Christianity

Summer 1st Half'Around the world'English: Letter Writing/Invitations

Maths: Number - Division; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History: Homes of the past
Geography: Human and Physical Features of two localities
Science: Naming Trees And Plants
Computing: We Are Rhythmic 
RE: Hinduism

Summer 2nd Half'Carnival of the Animals'English: Poetry

Maths: Geometry: Position And Direction; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History: Homes of the past
Geography: Human and Physical Features of two localities 
Science: Naming Trees and Plants 
Computing: We Are Detectives
RE: Hinduism

If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Connor Chughtai-Skillen

Please read our half termly curriculum letters for more information.

Autumn Term

This half term we have focused on settling the children into their new routines. We started off the term with a focus on well-being, looking at the book 'The Colour Monster' by Anna Llenas. We talked about different feelings and emotions and even made our own colour monsters. We went on a colour hunt around the school garden, collecting found objects to create our own colour charts. We really enjoyed getting to know each other and our new teachers. 


Year 1 are learning all about 'Staying Alive' this half-term and have been discussing how to keep our bodies healthy. We have identified different parts of the body, including our lungs and our heart, explaining why they are important. We even had a go at labelling parts of the body!


Year 1 enjoyed tasting a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables including melon, cucumber and apples. We talked about having a balanced diet and keeping our bodies healthy by eating lots of fruit and vegetables. We even had a go at sketching some fruit in our new sketchbooks! 

Spring Term

We are having a fun half-term learning all about our new topic 'Space'. In each classroom we have built our own space stations and rockets where we have gone on adventures to outer space! We have really enjoyed reading non-fiction books about Space.

To start our topic off we read 'Toys in Space' by Mini Grey and retold the story using a story map.

One of our favourite texts was 'Man on the Moon; the life of Bob' by Simon Bartram. We launched off to the moon in our classroom and acted out what it would be like to walk on the moon with zero gravity! We even wrote a postcard to Mrs Langridge  to tell her all about our adventure. 

We loved designing and making our own sock puppets and discussed what materials were best to stick on details such as wings or googly eyes! 


Hola!! This half term Year 1 have had a lot of fun learning about our new topic 'Mexico'. We started the term reading a book called ‘Off we go to Mexico’. It provided a great insight into the culture of Mexico. We then compared the UK with Mexico and the children were able to identify the key differences between the two countries. We used our role play area to dress in traditional clothing and speak in Spanish whilst doing day to day activities, such as shopping, eating at a café and meeting friends. We learnt about traditional Mexican food and we had a go at making our very own guacamole, which tasted delicious!! We also had lots of fun making sombreros using paper plates and cups and clay pots in the outdoor learning garden,  just like the Aztecs did.

Summer Term

This half term Year 1 have had lots of fun learning all about our new topic ‘Journey around the world’. We started the topic by reading ‘Max and Lemon around the world’ which shed light on differing climates and landscapes around in the world. We really enjoyed Jeannie Baker’s book ‘Mirror’ where we used our imagination to envisage what the characters were saying in the pictures. We even created our own collages inspired by the beautiful Moroccan riad buildings.  A highlight of this term was our danceathon where we raised over £900 towards our outdoor area! A huge thank you to all the generous sponsors. We particularly enjoyed learning about different children the world and comparing their cultures with ours here in the UK.

Year 1 are having lots of fun learning all about wild animals and their habitats in our topic ‘Carnivals of the Animals’. They have fully immersed themselves into our jungle role play area by camping in the tent, cooking, going on safaris and being a photographer capturing pictures of wild animals found in our role play. The children really enjoyed reading the book ‘Whose Habitat is that?’ by Lucile Piketty. The book invited the children to read about different habitats and then to guess which animals live there. The children then created their very own ‘Who am I?’ riddles and shared it with the rest of the class. On our workshop table the children will be making their very own habitat boxes using a variety of arts and crafts material. To consolidate our learning further the children are very excited to go on our school trip to Howlett’s Animal Park. It has been an exciting half term to end the lovely year that we have had. Year 1 have worked very hard and have thoroughly enjoyed all the topics this year!
