

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve


Welcome to our Year 3 Classes


Topaz Class

Class Teacher: Laura Vomero
Teaching Assistant: Anna Strappelli


Moonstone Class

Class Teachers: Hannah Walker
Teaching Assistant: Margaret Moloney


Year 3 Curriculum Map for 2015-2016


Topic focus

1st half


English: Non-Chronological Reports; Adventure Stories

Maths: Place Value And Money; Addition And Subtraction; Multiplication And Division; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

Science: Animals, including humans - skeletons, muscles and nutrition

DT: Design and make a hydraulic dinosaur mouth

Art: Sculpture - observations, technique and control

Computing: We Are Presenters

RE: Religions of the world

PE: Invasion games

2nd half

Power of the Earth 

English: Explanation Writing; Disaster Stories

Maths: Addition And Subtraction; Multiplication And Division; Measurment - Time; Statistics; Fractions; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

Geography: Volcanoes - Causes and effect

History: Pompeii

Science: Rocks

DT: Create a working model of a volcano

Computing: We Are Programmers

RE: Christianity

PE: Net and Wall Games

1st half


English: Folk Tales; Instructions; Poetry; Drama

Maths: Place Value; Addition And Subtraction; Measures; Statistics; Fractions; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History/Geography: Famous Scientists And Inventors; Map Work

Science: Light, Shadows and Reflections

Computing: We Are Communicators

RE: Sikhism

PE: Gymnastics

DT: Designing and making weather instruments

Art: Different styles of art work

2nd half
Stone Age to Iron Age

English: Information Texts; Play scripts; Letters

Maths: Place Value And Division; Addition And Subtraction; Multiplication and Division; Fractions; Measurement -Time; Statistics; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History: Stone Age to Iron Age

Geography: How human Geography has changed over time

Art: Acrylic paintings, Stone cave paintings

Science: Forces

Computing: We Are Bug Fixers

RE: Sikhism

PE: Dance

1st half

Ancient Greece  

English: Myths and Legends, Factfiles

Maths: Place Value And Money; Addition And Subtraction; Multiplication And Division; Measurement; Statistics; Money; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History/Geography: Ancient Greece

Science: Plants

DT: Make Greek food. Make 3D model of a flowing plant

Art: Architects and designers in history

Computing: We Are Opinion Pollsters

RE: Pilgrimages

PE: Athletics

2nd half


English: Traditional tales; Leaflets

Maths: Place Value And Sequences; Multiplication And Division; Addition And Subtraction; Fractions; Geometry, Statistics And Measures; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

Geography: Study of Europe - Mapping, human and physical characteristics

DT: Make and taste European foods, 3D maps

Art: Drawing - pencil and charcoal


Science: Magnets

Computing: We Are Network Engineers

RE: Pilgrimages

PE: Greek dance, preparation for School Games Day


Please read our termly curriculum letter for more information.

If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Donna Rankine.


Summer Term

Ancient Greece dress up day

Year 3 started off their Ancient Greece day with an outstanding performance about a time traveller who took us back to Ancient Greece where we learnt lots of information about myths, gods, philosophers, the Greek alphabet and met some very humorous characters indeed!


Spring Term

World Book Day 2016

Year 3 had the most enthralling World Book Day ever! We discussed every single one of the characters that had made a special effort to dress up as. We took every opportunity possible to grab a book and read it either quietly or with a friend. We even acted out some of our favourite stories too! This was truly the best reading day ever!

Be sure to spend the vouchers wisely and please let your teacher know which book you bought!
Keep on reading and smiling!

What an exciting start to our year! We have been learning about weather and built our own weather station which resides in the playground. Children collect weather data daily and record it. Let's hope for warm temperatures!



Autumn Term

Year 3 have kick started the year on a pre-historic time travel adventure! The children have been writing some very exciting and dramatic dinosaur adventure stories and are looking forward to our trip to the Natural History Museum next week.



We have had an exceptionally busy first half term! Year 3 have been on two trips: The Natural History Museum (see wonderful photos above) and our trip to the supermarket.  The children thoroughly enjoyed planning their healthy meal in small groups using the Sainsbury's website. They had to keep to a budget of £5 per group so there was a lot of Mathematics brought into the task. In the afternoon, we prepared our meals and had a feast in the classroom!


Year 3 had a pizza sale to raise funds for our supermarket trip. We are very pleased to announce that we raised a total of £115!!  We have pizzas left over so watch out for another pizza sale coming shortly!

Extremely proud of the cupcakes we made for the Macmillan coffee morning!


As part of our Science topic 'Animals, including humans',  we designed an experiment to find out if the people with the longest legs jump the furthest.

Wow - he can jump a great distance!


Autumn 2

Power of the Earth

Welcome back! We hope you all had a restful half-term. The children had an explosive start to English by writing firework poems. We looked at different types of poems including narrative and shape poems. The children really enjoyed using onomatopoeia and alliteration.


Click here to have a look for yourself!

