

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Adoptive Families

Here at Rockmount Primary School, we are working to develop our community's understanding of adoption for both looked after and previously looked after children. The Designated Teacher for looked after and previously looked after children is Hayley Gorman. 


Coffee Mornings

We have a coffee morning once a term which gives us the opportunity to meet as a group to have informal conversations and share resources. It also gives the Designated Teacher the opportunity to update parent/carers about what has been happening at school. Where relevant, we might have more of a focus to the meeting, for example, in the summer term we will discuss transition. Everyone is welcome to join us. 


Support from other professionals

We have been working with Barnardo's Adoption Services who have been supporting us with considering how we deliver aspects of our curriculum in order to support adopted and looked after children. This is something that we are continuing to review and develop. You can find out more about Barnardo's and their work here.


For further information please have a look at the following links:

Government information for parents/carers about adoption, fostering and children in care 


Peer to peer support community by adopters, for adopters 


Adoption support agency 



If you would like to contact the Designated Teacher please contact the school office.
