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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Emergency Home Learning

Please note that you do not have to print anything out, just view on the screen and complete tasks on paper.


Thank you for your support.


Please email any questions or examples of work to the Year 3 teachers at

Rockmount Sports Day from Home! W/C 13th July

This week we would like for you to take part in our Rockmount Sports Day from Home! This Sports Day can be completed independently or with siblings and is focused on encouraging you to achieve your personal best. This means you should try each activity at least 3 times to see if you can beat your previous scores and achieve your personal best. 

Coach Charlotte has put together some demonstration videos of each activity to show you exactly how they should be done. We understand that you may not have certain pieces of equipment at home. Therefore, we invite you to use your imagination to replicate the activities! For example, you could use a box to replicate a target area or a sock to replicate a bean bag. You could even use a toilet roll to replicate a football!

Attached below is a score card for you to download and use to record your scores and personal best. Please send them into the year group email address along with any photos of your Sports Day. We’d love to see how you get on!

Good luck!

Challenge 1

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Challenge 2

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Challenge 3

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Challenge 4

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Challenge 5

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Challenge 6

Still image for this video

Big Maths


Please click on the link for your child to complete their weekly Big Maths Challenges: (These can only be completed once a week online) You can also complete these challenges in paper form, which can be found in the CLIC pack below. 


If you need help logging in please email and we will provide you with your log in details.


If you require any other information about Big Maths or the challenges please visit

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator- Chapter 18: The Oldest Person in the World Part 2

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator- Chapter 18: The Oldest Person in the World

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator- Saving Grandma Georgina

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator- Minus Land

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator Chapter 16

Miss Davies is continuing to read our class novel from where we left off when we were back at school. More chapters to come soon!

The Competition, Athena and Poseidon

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Mrs Umar reading a Greek myth for you.

Jason and the Golden Fleece - Part 2

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Jason and the Golden Fleece

Still image for this video
Miss Walker reading Part 1 of Jason and the Golden Fleece

Summer Term Homework & Spellings

Week Beginning 13/07/20
Week Beginning 06/07/20
Week Beginning 29/06/20

Your weekly check in

Week Beginning 22/06/20
Just like you did on Monday with the tree tally chart, we would like you to venture outdoors and have a go at these fun practical maths activities involving fractions, 2D and 3D shapes, statistics and more using the nature around you! Make sure to take photos and send them in to so we can put them on the blog!
This week we are learning all about Spain!
Salvador Dali was a Spanish artist. Have a look through the PowerPoints provided to learn more about his life and the style of art he produced, called 'Surrealism.' Then, either using the resources provided or using things from home, have a go at creating your own surrealist piece of artwork. You can use Dali for inspiration or come up with your own ideas! Don't forget to send us pictures of any work you complete so we can make a gallery showcase filled with your art!
Week Beginning 15/06/20

Your weekly check-in

Wider Curriculum

How can I teach children about racism and discrimination?

It is important to discuss racism with children, including discrimination, the causes of racism and the consequences of allowing racism to happen. This PowerPoint is ideal for teaching KS2 children about how to identify racism including, language, behaviour and the long term effects of racism both in society and personally. 

Children will learn what race is and will develop a clear understanding of the Declaration of Human Rights, the need for equality and the right that everyone has to be treated fairly and equally. 

It also encourages children to reflect on their own behaviour and to question whether they have discriminated against someone due to their race.

How can I support my child’s learning about racism?

It is important that your child learns about racism. They should learn what it is, how to identify it and what the long term effects are when it is allowed to carry on. This PowerPoint will help children to know how to tackle racism or discrimination appropriately, should they come across it in the playground. It also encourages them to think about their own behaviour and how this impacts significantly on others. This will teach children about human rights, identity, people who have fought against racial discrimination and positive things that are happening to stop racism.

Below is a 'European Flags' activity where you can have a go at naming and labelling European flags. See how many you can have a go at without any help! We've provided a poster with the answers for any you are unsure of. 


Challenge: Can you name their capital cities too?

Useful Links



Diamond Class

Class Teacher: Amber Davies

Class Teaching Assistant: Margaret Moloney


Jade Class

Class Teacher: Hannah Walker/Waseela Umar

Class Teaching Assistant: Rosemary Manu


Year 3 Curriculum Map for 2019-2020


Half Term Topic Curriculum Area
Autumn 1st Half Dinosaurs

English: Non-Chronological Reports; Adventure Stories

Maths: Place Value ; Addition And Subtraction; Multiplication And Division; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

Science: Electricity


Art: Sculpture - observations, technique and control

Computing: We Are Presenters

RE: Hinduism

PE: Invasion games

Autumn 2nd Half Power of the Earth 



English: Explanation Writing; Disaster Stories

Maths: Addition And Subtraction; Multiplication And Division; Measurment - Time; Statistics; Fractions; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

Geography: Volcanoes - Causes and effect

History: Pompeii

Science: Forces

DT: Create a working model of a volcano

Computing: We Are Programmers

RE: Hinduism

PE: Net and Wall Games

Spring 1st Half Weather


English: Folk Tales; Instructions; Poetry; Drama

Maths: Place Value; Addition And Subtraction; Measures; Statistics; Fractions; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History/Geography: Famous Scientists And Inventors; Map Work

Science: Plants

Computing: We Are Communicators

RE: Christianity

PE: Gymnastics

DT: Designing and making weather instruments

Art: Different styles of art work

Spring 2nd Half Stone Age to Iron Age

English: Information Texts; Play scripts; Letters

Maths: Place Value And Division; Addition And Subtraction; Multiplication and Division; Fractions; Measurement -Time; Statistics; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History: Stone Age to Iron Age

Geography: How human Geography has changed over time

Art: Acrylic paintings, Stone cave paintings

Science: Plants

Computing: We Are Bug Fixers

RE: Christianity

PE: Dance

Summer 1st Half Ancient Greece 

English: Myths and Legends, Factfiles

Maths: Place Value And Money; Addition And Subtraction; Multiplication And Division; Measurement; Statistics; Money; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History/Geography: Ancient Greece

Science: Animals Including Humans

DT: Make Greek food. 

Art: Architects and designers in history

Computing: We Are Opinion Pollsters

RE: Why should we care for our world?

PE: Athletics

Summer 2nd Half Europe

English: Traditional tales; Leaflets

Maths: Place Value And Sequences; Multiplication And Division; Addition And Subtraction; Fractions; Geometry, Statistics And Measures; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

Geography: Study of Europe - Mapping, human and physical characteristics

DT: Make and taste European foods, 3D maps

Art: Drawing - pencil and charcoal

Science: Animals Including Humans

Computing: We Are Network Engineers

RE: Why should we care for our world?

PE: Greek dance, preparation for School Games Day

If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Donna Rankine
Please read our termly curriculum letters for more information.
Homework Menu

Autumn Term

Year 3 have had an exciting start to the term, learning about all things 'Dinosaurs'. We have taken them through the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous period and looked at how dinosaurs evolved. We took a trip to Crystal Palace park and used our imagination to create and design our own dinosaurs. In Literacy we wrote our own dinosaur adventure stories, which included an element of suspense. In Science we learnt about Electricity and made our own complete circuits. We are looking forward to our trip to the Natural History Museum and taking part in a 'Dino Investigation Scene' workshop in December.

Power of the Earth!


Year 3 have been learning all about volcanoes this half term! We have spent time researching how volcanoes are made and labelled our own detailed diagrams. We also have been reading the story 'Escape from Pompeii' by Christina Balit and thinking about what life would've been like if you were trying to escape from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius! We have been using lots of descriptive language in our role plays and writing and took inspiration from rediscovered artwork in Pompeii to make our own Roman mosaics.



Spring Term


Year 3 have had an exciting start to Year 3 and are learning all about different types of weather! They have already bought in lots of creative extreme weather homework including tornado acrostic poems and stories about flash floods! We are learning all about different climate zones and how they affect both us and other animals. In Literacy we are reading 'The Wind in the Willows' by Kenneth Grahame and we are enjoying finding out what mischief Toad is causing!


We have been making our own weather mobiles to hang in our classroom and we have even been learnign how to say what the weather is in French!




Our weather mobiles

Extreme Weather Mosaics

Anaya says 'I used different colours to make a mosaic showing a drought.'

World Book Day 2020
