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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!



Coral Class

Class Teacher: Connor Chughtai-Skillen

Class Teaching Assistant: Anna Strappelli



Pearl Class

Class Teacher: Lauren Fuller

Class Teaching Assistant: Lynne Grundstoks


Year 2 Curriculum Overview for 2021-2022


Half TermTopicCurriculum Area
Autumn 1st HalfLondon...Ablaze!

English: Story writing; Diary Writing; Recount

Maths: Number: Place Value and Addition and Subtraction 

History/Geography: Great Fire of London/London Landmarks

Science: Living things and their habitats

Computing: We Are Photographers

RE: Why are some things special?

PSHE: What makes a good friend?

Autumn 2nd HalfIndia

English: Poetry; Non-fiction – fact files; Instructions writing ; Fiction - Story writing

Maths: Addition and Subtraction; Measurement: Money and Multiplication and Division

History/Geography: Comparing the UK with India 

Science: Living things and their habitats

Computing: We Are Researchers

ART/DT: Mixing materials to create a variety of textures. 

RE: Festivals of light

PSHE: What is bullying?

Spring 1st HalfPole to Pole 

English: Non-chronological report – Artic Animals ; Book review ;Recount - Diary writing; Poetry – Northern Lights; Persuasive letter writing – adopt a penguin

Maths: Multiplication and Division; Statistics and Geometry: Properties of Shape

History/Geography: Captain Scott; Comparing Poles. 

Science: Uses of Everyday materials

Computing: We are Animators 

Art: Arctic scene painting 

RE: Islam

PSHE: What jobs do people do?

Spring 2nd HalfTransport

English: Poetry ; Fiction – journey ; Biography – Amelia Earhart

Maths: Fractions and Measurement: Length and Height

History/Geography: Transport through the ages

Science: Animals including Humans

Computing: We are games testers 

RE: Islam

PSHE: What helps us to stay safe

Summer 1st HalfOur World

English: Non-fiction – fact files; Persuasive letter writing; Instruction writing – how to grow ; Plant diary

Maths: Position and Direction and Problem Solving

History/Geography: Local History

Science: Plants

Computing: We are Zoologists

RE: Christianity

PSHE: What helps us grow and stay healthy?

Summer 2nd HalfOh I do Like to be Beside the Seaside

English: Postcard writing; Letter writing 

Maths: Measurement: Time and Mass, Capacity and Temperature 

History/Geography: Seaside holidays through time 

Science: Plants

Computing: We are Astronauts 

RE: Judaism 

PSHE: How do we recognise our feelings?

If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Connor Chughtai-Skillen

Please read our half termly curriculum letters for more information.


Autumn Term

Autumn 1: London


Year 2 are learning all about London this half term and they have been reading a story called Katie in London by James Mayhew. This is an excellent book which introduces the children to some of the famous landmarks in our city. In the story, Katie visits Trafalgar Square with her Granny and accidentally awakens one of the four lions that sit under Nelson’s Column. The lion takes Katie on a sight-seeing adventure across London. They visit many places including The Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge and The London Eye. Year 2 have been enjoying writing their own versions of the story and have painted their own lions too.

Later this half term we will be learning about The Great Fire of London and we will write our own diary entries like Samuel Pepys.


We have all been working very hard in maths to develop our understanding of place value. We have worked with our partners to find different ways to make a range of numbers. 


Year 2 are trying very hard to learn our 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

Autumn 2: India


Our topic for Autumn 2 is ‘India’. We have been researching and recording facts about India to create our own non-fiction book. We have also planned and created a diva lamp as well as learning how to sketch famous Indian landmarks.

Spring Term

Spring 1: Pole to Pole

This exciting topic will have a geography focus where we look at continents, countries and oceans of the world with a particular focus on the Arctic and the Antarctic. We will also be thinking about habitats (with a particular focus on the Polar regions), different animals and how they are adapted to live in such cold places. Further work will involve us thinking about historical individuals like Scott of the Antarctic and we will even be welcoming a real life explorer to the school. Now first thing’s first, which pole is the coldest?


The children will Explore the harshest and most unforgiving conditions on the planet. Experience the extreme cold, treacherous ice and frequent blizzards that make the polar regions such a hostile environment. Learn about how the indigenous inhabitants survive and make this hazardous local their home and discover the traditions, culture and lifestyle of unique groups of people. 

We have been amazed by some of the facts that we have learnt about Emperor penguins. Did you know that an adult Emperor penguin is the same size as an average 6 year old child!


We have completed an experiment based on our learning in science about materials. We planned and built a raft to get the gingerbread man safely across the river. We really enjoyed testing our designs by seeing if the raft could float for 30 seconds without sinking. We then reviewed our designs and discussed what went well and what we would change next time.

Spring 2: Transport 

This half term year 2 will Examine different forms of transport. We will begin to understand how transport has changed over time, and begin to develop a chronology of automobiles, trains and space travel. 

Summer Term

Summer 1: Our World

This half term we have been reading the book 'Leon and the Place Between' by Angela McAllistar.


Do you dare to step into the place between? Leon is a boy who believes in magic. This exciting and beautifully illustrated picture book follows Leon beyond the realm of the circus big-top and, with a ‘Pouff!’ from the great magician, Abdul Kazam, onto a magic carpet ride into the place where the magic sends you...


We have been busy writing letters to Mrs Langridge to convince her to let us hire a magician.. 


We are excited to announce that our Magician will visit us on Friday 1st July

Summer 2: Oh I do like to be Beside the Seaside

The children are very excited to hear that we are going on a trip to the seaside.


In our topic lessons, we have been learning the difference between past and present events in our own lives and exploring reasons why people's lives were different in the past by learning about the seaside 'now' and 'then'.


We have been talking about similarities, differences and the changes from the past to the present.


We are learning that the environment and living things are influenced by human activity and we are learning  to describe some actions which people in their own community do that help to maintain the area they live in by learning how to look after our environment.

