

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!



Diamond Class

Class Teacher: Daniel Ricketts

Class Teaching Assistant: Debbie Russell


Jade Class

Class Teacher: Grace Dawson

Class Teaching Assistant: Margaret Moloney

Year 5 Curriculum Overview for 2021-2022


Half TermTopicCurriculum Area
Autumn 1st HalfThe Eagle has Landed

Science - Earth in space

P.E - Invasion games - Football and Netball skills

Computing - We are bloggers

Art/ D.T - Painting (Textures) - Study of Alan Bean (an astronaut turned artist )and recreating some of his work

R.E- Islam

FrenchFrench Festivals, Numbers beyond 100, My Family and Friends

Autumn 2nd HalfWorld War

Science - Properties & Changes of Materials

P.E - Dance - Diwali dance

Computing - We are architects

Art/ D.T - Modelling - Motorised pulley driven tank

R.E - Christianity

FrenchMy Home, Colours, Animals

Spring 1st HalfThe Terrible Tudors

History/ Geography - The Tudors and a study of England with 4 grid map references

P.E - Gymnastics - Balancing

Science - Living Things and Life Cycles

Computing - We are web designers

Art/ D.T - Drawing & food/nutrition - Portraits and Pottage

R.E- Sikhism

FrenchFood, Calendar, Clothing

Spring 2nd HalfShifting Sands in Africa

History/Geography - Ancient Egypt with a comparison or rural and urban regions 

P.E - Striking and fielding games - Rounders

Science - Living Things and Life Cycles

Computing - We are cryptographers

Art/ D.T - Sculpture & Textiles

R.E - Sikhism

FrenchShopping, Holidays and Celebrations

Summer 1st HalfInvaders

History/ Geography: Learning about the Viking invaders and the legacy they left. Reading and producing maps of where the Vikings came from and where they settled.

P.E: Swimming and athletics in preparation for sports day.

Science : Forces

Computing : We are game developers

Art/ D.T: Graphic design

R.E: Pilgrimage

FrenchTowns and Cities, The weather and Seasons

Summer 2nd HalfRain drops keep falling on my head

History/ Geography: Learning about the water cycle. Drawing and labelling diagrams of the water cycle.

P.E: Swimming and dance.

Science : Animals including humans

Computing: We are artists

Art/ D.T: Collage - Water landscape

R.E: Pilgrimage

FrenchSports and Hobbies, School

If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Hannah Langmead-Thorpe

Please read our half termly curriculum letters for more information.



1) Read nightly for at least 15minutes and complete your 'reading record' for marking on a Friday.

2) Complete at least 1 of the books allocated to you on 'BUG CLUB' each week.

3) Complete allocated GPS test on

4) Learn your spellings for your Friday test.

5) Continue practising your times tables ( and number bonds (

6) To complete given pages in Year 5 CGP Maths Booklet.


Half termly

1) To complete at least 3 tasks from the 'Homework Menu' and submit either in class or online at Google Classroom.







Autumn Term

The children have all settled in well to the new year group and have enjoyed meeting their friends again. We have been studying 'Sad Book' by Michael Rosen and the children have already become authors creating their own version of the story about themselves.

Spring Term

Summer Term
