

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve


5 Ways To Wellbeing Project

We have worked closely with Croydon Council to support them to develop resources which can be used to teach children about the Five Ways to Wellbeing. Have a look at the final storybook below and the photos which show the journey. 


Graphic designers explained to the competition winners the process of transferring their illustrations into a book.

Competition Winners 

EYFS and KS1 learnt the 5 Ways to Wellbeing Makaton Song

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Whole school 5 Ways to Wellbeing displays

Wellbeing Ambassadors helping to choose the best illustrations.

Children across KS2 took part in a competition to draw the characters for the storybook.

Keeping Myself Safe Week

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Wellbeing Displays

Click photos to enlarge

Staff Wellbeing

We all know that a workplace with a great culture is one that everyone wants to be a part of. A happy and supportive workplace contributes towards the wellbeing of those that work there which is vital in this day and age. It is important that staff are able to work together and feel happy in order to be an educational team that are fun to be around and provide exciting school experiences for pupils. There are times in the school year which place more demands on staff than others, so we are constantly looking for fresh ways to show staff appreciation and promote positive wellbeing. These are a few fun times we've had to help promote wellbeing:

World Sleep Day - Pyjama Day

World Sleep Day is a day to recognise and raise awareness of the importance of sleep. We celebrated World Sleep Day by wearing pyjamas for the day and the Wellbeing Ambassadors taught their classes (and parents and carers) lots of interesting facts about sleep and the importance of sleep.

Wellbeing Room

We are extremely fortunate to be able to create and provide a wellbeing room for our pupils, staff and parents. Pupils are able to access this room through group interventions, one-to-one support, collaborative work with outside agencies and drop-in sessions at lunchtime. The room is full of comfortable furniture, sensory items, books and resources which can be used when talking. The wellbeing room allows us to provide a safe, calm and friendly area for all as we continue to build and strengthen our whole school approach to wellbeing and mental health.

Circle Time


Children's Mental Health Week  - Express Yourself

During Children's Mental Health Week, children found different ways to express themselves. 


Year 2 Parent, "its been so lovely seeing the children sharing so many views and talents and being so proud and celebrating their peers with such joy."



Year 5 Guide to Mental Health 

World Mental Health Day

We supported the charity Young Minds by wearing a bright and cheerful colour. 




Year 4 and 5 work on a psycho-education project developed by psychologists and therapists from the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. Click here to find out more. 



Wellbeing Areas

Every classroom has a positive safe place equipped with calming resources designed to help children relax and regulate their emotions. 



Lunchtime Quiet Room

A quieter place at lunchtime




Wellbeing Displays










The Children's Yoga Tree work with children in the Foundation Stage and Year 1 on calm breathing and mindfulness techniques to address their physical, mental and emotional needs. Click here to find yoga activities for children.



Playground Pod




The children in Nursery enjoying the benefits of music to support relaxation whilst exploring their thoughts and feelings. Click here to read how music can enhance wellbeing. 



The Children's Yoga Tree work with KS2 on techniques to manage their emotions, enabling them to practice calm concentration, put aside their worries and make positive choices. 



Dance Therapy 

KS2 work to express themselves through movement and dance as a tool to help raise self esteem through creative expression. Click here to find out how exercise helps your mental wellbeing.


Minds on Art

MOA have worked across the school to explore mindfulness through art and drama.



NSPCC supporting children to understand the signs and types of abuse and where to get help. Click here to find out more about the NSPCC.




Toya Walker, a parent and illustrator, worked with Year 1 to create an animation about emotions.





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