

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Emergency Home Learning

Please note that you do not have to print anything out, just view on the screen and complete tasks on paper.


Thank you for your support.


Please e-mail work, photos and any questions to Year 4 teachers directly at:


Weekly learning resources from the last two weeks will be provided on this page. All daily updates are now displayed on the Year 4 blog page.


Please follow this link to go to the Year 4 blog.

Our topic for the final half term of Year 4 will be the Anglo-Saxon invasion of and settlement in Britain. The homework tasks sheet for this topic can be found below; please remember, during the term you should try to complete at least one task from each of the three sections.

Rockmount Sports Day from Home! W/C 13th July

This week we would like for you to take part in our Rockmount Sports Day from Home! This Sports Day can be completed independently or with siblings and is focused on encouraging you to achieve your personal best. This means you should try each activity at least 3 times to see if you can beat your previous scores and achieve your personal best. 

Coach Charlotte has put together some demonstration videos of each activity to show you exactly how they should be done. We understand that you may not have certain pieces of equipment at home. Therefore, we invite you to use your imagination to replicate the activities! For example, you could use a box to replicate a target area or a sock to replicate a bean bag. You could even use a toilet roll to replicate a football!

Attached below is a score card for you to download and use to record your scores and personal best. Please send them into the year group email address along with any photos of your Sports Day. We’d love to see how you get on!

Good luck!

Challenge 1

Still image for this video

Challenge 2

Still image for this video

Challenge 3

Still image for this video

Challenge 4

Still image for this video

Challenge 5

Still image for this video

Challenge 6

Still image for this video

Big Maths

Please click on the link for your child to complete their weekly Big Maths Challenges: (These can only be completed once a week online) You can also complete these challenges in paper form, which can be found in the CLIC pack below. This is designed to compliment the daily Maths lessons which are uploaded below but not to replace them. 


If you need help logging in please email and we will provide you with your log in details.


If you require any other information about Big Maths or the challenges please visit

Week beginning 13th July 2020

The final Times Tables Rock Stars daily challenge takes place this week on Friday between 11-11:15am. We will be using the Year 4 challenge category again and all playing together, and there will be a spcecial prize to anybody that beats Mr Haines.

Introduction to the week

Have a look at this power point to find out what you will be up to this week.



Within each day's folder below you will find the teaching presentation (as a video file), some sets of differentiated question sheets and also an answer sheet for each. Remember, you do not need to print out any of the question sheets; just write your calculations and answers on a sheet of paper.


Don't forget to start with CLIC! The power point is below and the daily times tables have been included underneath.


This week we are going to use Oak Academy to write a newspaper report

Wider Curriculum

We conclude our current topic by investigating how the Anglo-Saxons converted to Christianity.


This week there are a few fun experiments you can try at home. The main science task is on google classroom this week.


Now that we've finished making our interactive toy, the task this week is to promote it!

Week beginning 6th July 2020

Do to school commitments there will be no Times Tables Rock Stars daily challenges this week. However, it is hoped that this will be able to have one final mega-challenge next week. If you have any difficulty opening the zipped folder or video lesson files, please e-mail to the address above and we will be happy to give assistance.

Welcome to week 6! 


Within each day's folder below you will find the teaching presentation (as a video file), some sets of differentiated question sheets and also an answer sheet for each. Remember, you do not need to print out any of the question sheets; just write your calculations and answers on a sheet of paper.


Don't forget to start with CLIC! The power point is below and the daily times tables have been included underneath.


This week we will continue to use Oak Academy for our literacy lessons. The focus this week is on Haiku poems so year 4 we should be experts! Again this week, Friday's lesson will be on the Google classroom and you will be able to send your haiku poem into us using the classroom. 

For Friday's lesson please go to the Google classroom. The lesson will be available from Thursday 9th July.
Weekly spelling words are provided below. The spelling test will be uploaded on Friday in the form of a video on the Year 4 Spellings page - please look in the Year 4 blog on Friday morning for further instructions.

Wider Curriculum

This week we continue our topic of the Anglo-Saxons by investigating Anglo-Saxon religion, festivals and superstitions.


This week our science focuses on food chains. You will be able to find it on Google classroom.

Children's Art Week

The theme for this week is Connecting the Generations. We would like you to draw or paint a portrait of a member of your family from a different generation. Take a photo of your work and send it in for us to display on the BLOG.


Our Computing topic of "We Are Toy Makers" continues, and this week it's time to create a user instruction manual for your toy.

Message from Mrs Bristow

Hi everybody. Hope you are all keeping well. Let be introduce Thump, the self proclaimed boss of the animal feeding table in my tiny Pickle Lane garden.
Bright and early every morning I leave out tasty treats such as nuts, Fat seed balls, Insect pies and seeded bread crumbs for the birds that come for breakfast.
A tiny robin arrives first, gobbling as much as he can before he is chased away.
Two speckled starlings who chirp and chatter while they feed.
A stunning jay whose indigo wings shimmer in the early sunlight .
Three blackbirds who  proudly peck their favourite food with their golden beaks.
A few wood pigeons who jostle and coo for the best feeding position.  
All is well until Thump arrives. He struts up to the table staring menacingly at the birds that haven’t flown. All the birds flee for safety apart from one... an extremely plump pigeon called Paul.
Thump and Paul square up and a short stare out begins. Suddenly, Thump will charge at Paul and gives him a mighty bump with his bushy tail,
Game over... Thump has the table all to himself and enjoys his morning feast.
 Take good care children, and unlike Thump, be kind.

Thump, the boss of the feeding table.mp4

Still image for this video

Weekly song

For this week's song Mr Haines called upon the Key Worker Group Choir to support everybody's learnig of the twelve times tables. Feel free to sing along at at home...

Week 6 song - the key worker group choir.mp4

Still image for this video

Online Safety

Safeguarding group Thinkuknow are releasing a new set of online safety resources every fortnight. These are activities and discussions for children and parents to take part in at home together. The latest set of resources are available in the file below.

Useful Links
Each day you will find a new set of activities to keep you busy. It is free to sign up and use.
White Rose have prepared a set of lessons with a short video to help your child complete each activity.
A huge range of stories to listen to that can be streamed for free on computer, laptop, tablet or phone

Garnet Class

Class Teacher: Mark Haines

Class Teaching Assistant: Christine Bristow

SEND support: Zoey Grundstoks


Emerald Class

Class Teacher: Liz Waller

Class Teaching Assistant: Debbie Russell

SEND support: Katie Wrigley


Year 4 Curriculum Map for 2019-2020


Half Term Topic Curriculum Area
Autumn 1st Half It's Electric

English: Grendel and the Cautionary Tales of Chocolate. 

Character descriptions,  Stories with Issues- Krindlekrax,  Letters 

Maths: Number And Place Value; Addition And Subtraction; Multiplication And Division; Geometry - Properties Of Shape; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

Geography: Crystal Palace

History: Timeline of inventions

Science: Electricity

Computing: We are software developers

RE: Hinduism

Art: Sketchbook- Project and observational drawings
Pictures of Ruskin

PE: Invasion games

Autumn 2nd Half Party through the Centuries English: Stories from other cultures and Poetic Form Core text: Journey to Jo'Burg

Maths: Multiplication And Division; Fractions And Decimals; Geometry; Problem Solving; Mental Maths 

Science: Forces

Computing: We Are Musicians

History: Leisure and Entertainment in the 20th Century

Art: Pop Art

DT: Making a musical instrument

RE: Hinduism

PE: Dance

Spring 1st Half Antarctic Adventure English: Diaries, Newspaper articles, Non chronological reports 

Maths: Multiplication And Division, Geometry And Measurement; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

Geography: Northern and southern hemispheres and climate zones

History: Shackleton's Adventures - Explorers

Science: Plants

Computing: We Are Meteorologists

RE: Why should we care for our world?

DT: Making 3D models of penguins

PE: Gymnastics

Spring 2nd Half Amazonian Adventures

English: Poetry, Information book,  Extended story 

Maths: Addition And Subtraction Word Problems; Multiplication And Division Word Problems; Geometry; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

Geography:  Biomes and the rain forest
Science: Plants
History: Explorers

Computing: We Are HTML Editors

DT: Cooking with Fair Trade ingredients

RE: Why Should We Care For Our World?

Art: Watercolour paintings of landscapes

PE: Striking and Fielding Games
Summer 1st Half Roman Invasion

English: Historical recounts. Writing from different points of view

Maths: Fractions And Decimals; Measurement; Statistics; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History: Ancient Romans

Art/DT: Artists, architects and designers in history. make Roman mosaics. 

Science: Animals including humans

Computing: We Are Co-authors

RE: Christianity - the church

PE: Athletics 
Summer 2nd Half Anglo- Saxons English: Legends - creating settings, characters and plot

Maths: Number; Geometry - Position And Direction; Statistics; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History: Anglo-Saxon settlement

Science: Animals including humans

Geography: Anglo Saxons and  Vikings settlements

Computing: We Are Toy Designers

RE: Golden Rules

Art: Sketches using a range of mediums - pencil and charcoal

PE: Athletics School Games Day-preparation

If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Viv Bull.
Please read our termly curriculum letters for more information.
Homework Menu

Autumn Term

The pupils and teachers of Year 4 greatly enjoyed our trip to the Science Museum (supporting our current topic “It’s Electric!”), which has seen some great pieces of homework contributed by some children. After half term We are also looking forward to getting our teeth into the new Science topic of forces, with some very interesting experiments lined up.


Our core literacy text “Krindlekrax” has been proving to be a real page-turner, as we used the story to analyse characters and how to present an argument effectively. Debate and discussion was shared in the class about who should be the hero in the story, before we moved on to design a programme for a theatre production of the tale.


The second half of the term brings our new Party Through the Century! topic. Watch out for some great pieces of pop art being created by both classes!

Spring Term

Our Year 4 classes have been learning all about the famous Antarctic missions (and the race to the South Pole) just over a hundred years ago. During this term we will be going on some very exciting visits to tie in with this; later to the National Maritime Museum, but first to see the actual lifeboat used by Ernest Shackleton in his historic voyage. This theme has created some excellent opportunities for cross curricular in Computing. English and Art.


After half term we will moving from the coldest climate on Earth to one of the hottest, as our next topic will be Amazonian Adventures. Supporting our study of the rainforest biome, “The Shaman’s Apprentice” will be our key text in literacy.

