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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!


Welcome to our Year 6 Classes


Opal Class

Class Teacher: Viv Bull

Class Teaching Assistant: Gill Hammerberg


Sapphire Class

Class Teacher: Dan Hall

Class Teaching Assistant: Chris Francis / Christine Bristow



Year 6 Curriculum Map for 2017-2018


Half Term Topic Curriculum Area
Autumn 1st Half What Was Life Like In Our Area During The Victorian Era?

English: Core Text- 'Street Child'; Classic Fiction - Oliver Twist; Biography/Autobiography; Recounts; Poetry

Maths: Place Value; Multiplication/Division; Geometry; Measures; Problem Solving; Arithmetic

History/Geography: Local History - Victorians

Science: Biology- Plants and Photosynthesis 

Computing: Programming

R.E: Christianity

Art/DT: Printing

P.E: Games/Swimming

Autumn 2nd Half Crime and Punishment

English: Core text- 'Wild Boy' ; Balanced Arguments; Speeches; Crime Fiction

Maths: Place Value; Statistics; Fractions/Percentages; Problem Solving; Arithmetic

History/Geography: Crime And Punishment Through The Ages

Science: Biology-Plants and Photosynthesis

Computing: Programming

R.E: Christianity

Art/DT: Sculpture

P.E: Netball/Swimming

Spring 1st Half North America

English: Core text-'Indian in the Cupboard'; Legends; Brochures; Poetry

Maths: Place Value; Fractions; Ratio And Proportion; Problem Solving; Arithmetic

History/Geography: North America

Science: Chemistry 

Computing: Programming

R.E: Buddhism

Art/DT: Pointillism/3D maps

P.E: Gymnastics

Spring 2nd Half Natural Disasters

English: Core text-'Kensuke's Kingdom';Explanation; Science Fiction; Poetry

Maths: Place Value; Probability; Angles; Problem Solving; Arithmetic

History/Geography: Natural Disasters

Science: Living Things And Their Habitats

Computing: Programming

R.E: Buddhism

Art/DT: Painting Acrylic/Watercolour

P.E: Invasion Games

Summer 1st half Journeys

English: Core text- 'Why the Whales Came' ;Revision; Narrative; Reading And Writing

Maths: Revision; Problem Solving; Arithmetic

History/Geography: Inventors -Pip Davenport

Science: Electricity

Computing: Programming

R.E: Journeys

Art/DT: Aboriginal Art / Make A Fairground Ride

P.E: Cricket

Summer 2nd Half Time Gone By

English: Letters; Adverts; Poetry

Maths: Transition Unit - Investigative Mathematics 

History/Geography:  Mayan Civilisation

Science: Animals Including Humans

Computing: Programming

R.E: Journeys

Art/DT: Designers In History

P.E: Athletics

If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and 

Teaching Leader for this phase: Viv Bull.


Please read our termly curriculum letter for more information.

Autumn Term


In year 6 we started the year by going back in time to the 19th century. We learned all about the Victorians and what life was like in our area during the Victorian era. We  studied the classic novel 'Oliver Twist' by Charles Dickens and the children got in role and acted out the famous scene where Oliver asks for more.


During the second half term we are learning all about crime and punishment through the ages. Using our core text 'Wild Boy' the children will be studying crime fiction and writing their own short stories. In design and technology the children are working in groups to design and make a French guillotine. Watch this space.


Spring Term

During the first half term Year 6 learned all about North America. We explored the history of Native Americans and wrote our own legends. In art we  looked at the pointillisim technique of George Seurat and produced pictures of famous North American landmarks.


In our Science lessons we carried out a number of investigations involving electricity. We discovered which materials were conductors and insulators and made our own burglar alarms.


This half term we are learning about natural disasters. We will be researching different types of natural disaster and then making our own books. We will also be creating paintings of volcanoes and tsunamis using acrylic paint. 



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