

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Year 6 Leavers' Video 2020

Still image for this video
Please find the Year 6 Leaver's Video - You should have recieved this in an email also but here is a website version of it also - Thanks to Mr. Haines helping us reduce it in size for the website!
Emergency Home Learning

Please note that you do not have to print anything out, just view on the screen and complete tasks on paper. If you have any questions or would like to share some work please email the year 6 team at


Click here to view the Year 6 blog. Our blog will include challenges, questions and activities for you to respond to. You can click on the title of each blog to comment.


Thank you for your support. 

In Year 6, we are following The Oak National Academy, which is endorsed by the government. We will provide links to English and Maths lessons to complete each day. They are sequenced, so it is important you complete all the sessions in order to gain a good understanding. 


To find out more information, the link to The National Oak Academy is:


If your child is struggling to complete The National Oak Academy independently, whilst parent and carers are working from home, we would advise that you follow the BBC Bitesize Schedule of lessons, which are somewhat easier and therefore simpler for children to follow independently, the link for the BBC schedule is: - You will need to click on the session to complete each day.



Week Beginning 13th July

Welcome to your final week at Rockmount Primary School!


We have lots going on this week for you all to enjoy :)


Mon/Thurs - Bubbled Sports Afternoon - Each bubble will be competing in a Sports Day style afternoon with a carousel of sports activities to take part in! Come dressed in sports gear!


Tues/Fri - Your final day at Rockmount - on this day, we will be doing lots of fun activities in class! You will also get to watch the leavers' video, be given your hoody, photo and certificate, followed by a picnic outside with games! Today you can also have your school top signed - please come into school in a different top and bring your school top with you!


If your child is not in school at the moment, an email has been sent out on how to collect your hoody, certificate and photo - The link for the leavers' video will be on the website by Friday afternoon!


On Wednesday we have the leavers Zoom party!! Details below :)


Enjoy your last week before the summer Year 6!

Captain Fantastic Year 6 Leavers' Video Invite

Still image for this video
Here is the Year 6 Virtual Captain Fantastic Leavers' invite! You should have a received an email with the rest of the 'Zoom' party details! If you haven't, the invite is below!
Wider Curriculum

Children's Art Week


Children's Art Week is a UK-wide programme that gives children and young people the opportunity to get involved in a wide range of art activities online, at home and in schools across three weeks in June and July. Each week will focus on a special theme.

Our 2020 themes are…


Week 1 (from 29 June): The Natural World
Week 2 (from 6 July): Connecting across generations
Week 3 (from 13 July): Literacy and creative writing


This week's focus is called 'Literacy and Creative Writing - Follow this link to complete architecture at home: \



THINKUKNOW have developed a range of E-Safety resources - See the latest two activities below:


During this term, our Science topic is Animals Including Humans; Living Things and Habitats. Therefore we are asking you to complete project on all things living.


You will find all the information you need. How you choose to set out your project is up to you - you might decide to create a Powerpoint you can share with me via email, or you might decide to complete a project by hand, using arts and crafts and writing. This is YOUR project, so it is entirely up to you how you present the information.


Each week we will set a topic for you to research and present in your project. Then by the end of this unit you should have a full project workbook/powerpoint/word document on Animals Including Humans; Living Things and Habitats.


This week your topic is: What impact have humans had on plants and animals?

Compete the lesson below:


This is your last session - once you have completed it, consolidate your project!



We will be completing Lesson 6 of our new topic at school this week! 


Our topic this half term is Entertainment Through the Ages! This is a great topic because it looks at journeys, which is a big PSHE/Transition focus for us during Summer 2, as you move onto Secondary School!


Lesson 6 is called: Technology



Try this music lesson called 'Get Creative with Florence Price' :



Try this drama session called: ' Responding to Stimulus'

Week Beginning 6th July 

Weekly Check-In

Take a look at the weekly check-in PowerPoint. Remember to play it as a slideshow with the audio on so you can hear the commentary. 

Wider Curriculum

Children's Art Week


Children's Art Week is a UK-wide programme that gives children and young people the opportunity to get involved in a wide range of art activities online, at home and in schools across three weeks in June and July. Each week will focus on a special theme.

Our 2020 themes are…


Week 1 (from 29 June): The Natural World
Week 2 (from 6 July): Connecting across generations
Week 3 (from 13 July): Literacy and creative writing


This week's focus is called 'Connecting Across Generations' - Try this relaxing piece of artwork, which will help with wellbeing and mindfulness:


During this term, our Science topic is Animals Including Humans; Living Things and Habitats. Therefore we are asking you to complete project on all things living.


You will find all the information you need. How you choose to set out your project is up to you - you might decide to create a Powerpoint you can share with me via email, or you might decide to complete a project by hand, using arts and crafts and writing. This is YOUR project, so it is entirely up to you how you present the information.


Each week we will set a topic for you to research and present in your project. Then by the end of this unit you should have a full project workbook/powerpoint/word document on Animals Including Humans; Living Things and Habitats.


This week your topic is: Whic Organisms lived during each era of time?

Compete the lesson below:



We will be completing Lesson 5 of our new topic at school this week! 

Our topic this half term is Entertainment Through the Ages! This is a great topic because it looks at journeys, which is a big PSHE/Transition focus for us during Summer 2, as you move onto Secondary School!


Lesson 4 is called: The Google Box


Have a look at the resources below to complete the session:



Try this lesson on the Galapagos Islands:

Send in your work to the Year 6 email for us to have a look at!

Secondary Reach-Out Day - 3rd July 2020

Usually on this day, most of you would be visiting your secondary schools, however this year it is a little different! 


Below is a Google drive link, where most schools in the borough have uploaded some transition resources/taster sessions etc for you to familiarise yourself with your new secondary school:

Week Beginning 28th June

Weekly Check-In

Take a look at the weekly check-in PowerPoint. Remember to play it as a slideshow with the audio on so you can hear the commentary. 

We have now covered all of the spellings from the year 5 and 6 curriculum. Below is a list of the 100 common misspelled words. Choose 10 each week and get someone at home to test you. Good luck.
Wider Curriculum
Children's Art Week

Children's Art Week is a UK-wide programme that gives children and young people the opportunity to get involved in a wide range of art activities online, at home and in schools across three weeks in June and July. Each week will focus on a special theme.

Our 2020 themes are…


Week 1 (from 29 June): The Natural World
Week 2 (from 6 July): Connecting across generations
Week 3 (from 13 July): Literacy and creative writing


Follow the link below and have a go at the pen and wash birds. In English, we have been learning about the different types of sea birds in our book 'Why the Whales Came'. Can you produce a picture of one using this technique? Don't forget to send them to us at


Birds: Pen and Wash




During this term, our Science topic is Animals Including Humans; Living Things and Habitats. Therefore we are asking you to complete project on all things living.


You will find all the information you need. How you choose to set out your project is up to you - you might decide to create a Powerpoint you can share with me via email, or you might decide to complete a project by hand, using arts and crafts and writing. This is YOUR project, so it is entirely up to you how you present the information.


Each week we will set a topic for you to research and present in your project. Then by the end of this unit you should have a full project workbook/powerpoint/word document on Animals Including Humans; Living Things and Habitats.


This week your topic is: What are the Animal Kingdoms?

Compete the lesson below:



We will be completing Lesson 3 of our new topic at school this week! 

Our topic this half term is Entertainment Through the Ages! This is a great topic because it looks at journeys, which is a big PSHE/Transition focus for us during Summer 2, as you move onto Secondary School!


Lesson 3 is called 'Wish you were here'


Have a look at the resources below to complete the session:


Try this French Lesson:

Days, Months and Time:

Week Beginning 22nd June 

Weekly Check-In

Take a look at the weekly check-in PowerPoint. Remember to play it as a slideshow with the audio on so you can hear the commentary. 

Empire Windrush Day
The Empire Windrush arrived at Tilbury Docks on the 22nd June 1948. Take a look at the PowerPoint presentation below to find out more and have a go at the writing task on the last page.
We have now covered all of the spellings from the year 5 and 6 curriculum. Below is a list of the 100 common misspelled words. Choose 10 each week and get someone at home to test you. Good luck.

BNF Week @ Home

This week should have been British Nutrition Foundation Week - however, this has now been moved to September and this week is BNF Week @ Home - a virtual cooking week!


The BNF Healthy Eating Week @ Home comprises of seven daily health challenges, which you can take part in at home. This year’s challenges include:

  1. Eat well
  2. Eat more wholegrains
  3. Have 5 A DAY
  4. Drink plenty
  5. Move more
  6. Be mind kind - help a friend or neighbour
  7. Make a change


Each day we will upload a blog post on one of the 7 challenges for you to write comments on :)


Get cooking!

From Monday to Friday they will also be hosting two cooking sessions each day - 10am and 2pm! They will be providing the recipe - so, just watch and then get cooking with BNF! You can get involved at 10am and cook-a-long!

  • Quick and easy perfect pizza / Veggie coconut curry
  • Breakfast fruit wholegrain crunch / Tuna & spinach wholewheat pasta bake
  • Veggie sticks with mackerel dip /Mini crustless quiches 
  • Pea soup with quick flatbread / Kofta lollypops
  • Blueberry wedges / Fish fingers & bro-chips

Wider Curriculum



We will be completeing Lesson 3 of our new topic at school this week! 

Our topic this half term is Entertainment Through the Ages! This is a great topic because it looks at journeys, which is a big PSHE/Transition focus for us during Summer 2, as you move onto Secondary School!


Lesson 3 is called 'The Swinging Sixties'


Some of the resources for this lesson are too large to upload onto the website - so where it asks you to look at photo packs, I would like you use Google images and do some research.


Have a look at the resources below to complete the session:


During this term, our Science topic is Animals Including Humans; Living Things and Habitats. Therefore we are asking you to complete project on all things living.


You will find all the information you need. How you choose to set out your project is up to you - you might decide to create a Powerpoint you can share with me via email, or you might decide to complete a project by hand, using arts and crafts and writing. This is YOUR project, so it is entirely up to you how you present the information.


Each week we will set a topic for you to research and present in your project. Then by the end of this unit you should have a full project workbook/powerpoint/word document on Animals Including Humans; Living Things and Habitats.


W/B 22nd June 2020


This week we are moving on to use The National Oak Academy Lessons - Lesson 2 - How do fossils provide evidence for evolution?


Lesson link:


Use any extra information you learn to amend your project.


Where are all the people?

Try this session below, looking at population and people:


Anthropometrics and Ergonomics

What do the above two words mean? Complete this lesson to find out:



Do you want to be a Hero?

In this lesson, we will be looking at some of the heroes in the NHS who have worked tirelessly to protect us. So many doctors and nurses have come out of retirement to help – we need a new generation to support our wonderful NHS. As Deputy Prime Minister, you must convince children across the country to use school to develop the skills needed to succeed in working for the NHS.



THINKUKNOW has created a series of E-Safety Activities - Find Activity 7 below:

Week Beginning 15th June 
Weekly Check-In
Take a look at the weekly check-in PowerPoint. Remember to play it as a slideshow with the audio on so you can hear the commentary. 

Black Lives Matter Writing Task

Please open the file below and the read the instructions carefully. We look forward to reading your work.


We have now covered all of the spellings from the year 5 and 6 curriculum. Below is a list of the 100 common misspelled words. Choose 10 each week and get someone at home to test you. Good luck.
Wider Curriculum


We will be completeing Lesson 2 of our new topic at school this week! 


Our topic this half term is Entertainment Through the Ages! This is a great topic because it looks at journeys, which is a big PSHE/Transition focus for us during Summer 2, as you move onto Secondary School!


Lesson 1 is called 'The Beautiful Game' - Which looks at how football has changed through the 20th Century.


Have a look at the resources below to complete the session:


You do not need to print any resources - just replicate the worksheets in your book.


During this term, our Science topic is Animals Including Humans; Living Things and Habitats. Therefore we are asking you to complete project on all things living.


You will find all the information you need. How you choose to set out your project is up to you - you might decide to create a Powerpoint you can share with me via email, or you might decide to complete a project by hand, using arts and crafts and writing. This is YOUR project, so it is entirely up to you how you present the information.


Each week we will set a topic for you to research and present in your project. Then by the end of this unit you should have a full project workbook/powerpoint/word document on Animals Including Humans; Living Things and Habitats.


W/B 15th June 2020


This week we are moving on to use The National Oak Academy Lessons - Please start with Lesson 1 - What is Evolution.


Lesson link:


Use any extra information you learn to amend your project.



Here is a Geography session on The Alps:



THINKUKNOW has created a series of E-Safety Activities - Find Activity 7 below:

Useful Links
Year 6, you will find some really fun ways to include some musical learning listed on the PDF below. Just click on the links. Please also remember to learn the songs for the Year 6 show. All the songs can be found at the bottom of this page. 



Crystal Class

Class Teacher: Viv Bull

Class Teaching Assistant: Gill Hammerberg

Class Teaching Assistant: Helena Corcoran


Quartz Class

Class Teacher: Hannah Langmead Thorpe

Class Teaching Assistant: Anna Miszkiel

Class Teaching Assistant: Claire Byrnes


Year 6 Curriculum Map for 2019-2020


Half Term Topic Curriculum Area
Autumn 1st Half What Was Life Like In Our Area During The Victorian Era?

English: Core Text- 'Street Child'; Classic Fiction - Oliver Twist; Biography/Autobiography; Recounts; Poetry

Maths: Place Value; Multiplication/Division; Geometry; Measures; Problem Solving; Arithmetic

History/Geography: Local History - Victorians

Science: Electricity 

Computing: Programming

R.E: Christianity

Art/DT: Printing

P.E: Football/Swimming

Autumn 2nd Half Crime and Punishment

English: Core text- 'Wild Boy' ; Balanced Arguments; Speeches; Crime Fiction

Maths: Place Value; Statistics; Fractions/Percentages; Problem Solving; Arithmetic

History/Geography: Crime And Punishment Through The Ages

Science: Earth in Space

Computing: Programming

R.E: Christianity

Art/DT: Sculpture

P.E: Netball/Swimming

Spring 1st Half North America

English: Core text-'Indian in the Cupboard'; Legends; Brochures; Poetry

Maths: Place Value; Fractions; Ratio And Proportion; Problem Solving; Arithmetic

History/Geography: North America

Science: Light 

Computing: Programming

R.E: Buddhism

Art/DT: Pointillism/3D maps

P.E: Gymnastics

Spring 2nd Half Natural Disasters

English: Core text-'Kensuke's Kingdom';Explanation; Science Fiction; Poetry

Maths: Place Value; Probability; Angles; Problem Solving; Arithmetic

History/Geography: Natural Disasters

Science: Light

Computing: Programming

R.E: Buddhism

Art/DT: Painting Acrylic/Watercolour

P.E: Invasion Games

Summer 1st half Journeys

English: Core text- 'Why the Whales Came' ;Revision; Narrative; Reading And Writing

Maths: Revision; Problem Solving; Arithmetic

History/Geography: Inventors -Pip Davenport

Science: Animals including humans

Computing: Programming

R.E: Journeys

Art/DT: Aboriginal Art / Make A Fairground Ride

P.E: Cricket

Summer 2nd Half Time Gone By

English: Letters; Adverts; Poetry

Maths: Transition Unit - Investigative Mathematics 

History/Geography:  Mayan Civilisation

Science: Animals Including Humans

Computing: Programming

R.E: Journeys

Art/DT: Designers In History

P.E: Athletics

If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and 

Teaching Leader for this phase: Viv Bull.

Please read our termly curriculum letters for more information.


During the first half term in Year 6 we were learning all about the Victorians. We learnt all about the inventions that the Victorians made and what it was like for Victorian school children. We had a drama workshop come in to Year 6 from Portals to the Past. They organised a Victorian classroom and the children had to behave like Victorian school children, using a piece of slate and chalk to write. We also learnt about Queen Victoria and her reign, looking at the empire she created.


This half term we have been learning about Crime and Punishment through the ages. Looking at the different crimes that were committed during the Roman period, the Anglo-Saxon period etc. We also looked at the punishments that were given for the crimes. 


This half term we are reading Wild Boy, which the children are very much enjoying! We decided to use the book and write our own next chapter using our inference and deduction skills to decipher what we thought might happen next!


In maths we have been working on our number skills, looking at the four operations. More recently we have been working on fractions, decimals and percentages.

This half term we are learning all about North America. The children are enjoying researching the lives of Native American Indians and will eventually be writing their own legend set in North America. In art, the children have been studying the famous 'American Gothic' picture and they have created their own parodies. 


Below are the songs you need to learn for the Year 6 show.  Read the synopsis too so you understand what is going on in the story when each song is sung.  Remember we are telling the story with the songs too:

01 School Song.mp3

02 Average.mp3

03 Average (Reprise).mp3

04 Rap Pack.mp3

05 The X Factor.mp3

06 Blue Skies.mp3

07 Rap Pack Audition.mp3

08 Be Alive.mp3

09 Brand New Day.mp3

10 The X Factor (Reprise).mp3

11 Brand New Day (Reprise).mp3
