

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Assembly & Circle Time

Assemblies and circle times are fundamental in promoting the ethos of the school and providing children with an opportunity for collective reflection and the consideration of spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) issues. All staff have a duty to promote the themes planned for in our circle time and assembly timetable. 

Year Group Assembly - All of KS2 and Year 2 classes will have one year group assembly each week. Assembly themes are recorded and mapped on the assembly timetable and will include national awareness days, religious festivals and any other topics which support the school ethos.

Circle Time - KS1 and KS2 will have two circle times each week based on the themes of Wellbeing, Safeguarding or British Values. Circle Time themes are recorded and mapped on the assembly timetable. It is also an opportunity for children to express their ideas and concerns with everyone and their teacher. 

Phase Achievement Assembly - KS1 and KS2 will have a weekly phase achievement assembly. This is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of children that week. This will be planned for and led by a member of staff within the phase. 

Pupil Voice – KS2 and Year 2 will have a weekly pupil voice assembly led by one of the school pupil voice groups with the support of the class teacher. 

Circle times are planned for as part of the assembly and circle time schedule. 


Autumn Term Circle Time Themes

British Values The Rule of Law, Democracy, Black History Month     
Wellbeing                           World Mental Health Day, National Adoption Week
Safeguarding Walking to School Safely, Environmental Safety


Autumn Term 2 Circle Time Themes 

British ValuesMutual Respect & Remembrance Day, Inter-Faith Week  & Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs, Challenging Stereotypes
Wellbeing Anti-Bullying Week, World Kindness Day
Safeguarding Road Safety Week, Fire Safety 


Spring Term Circle Time Themes

British Values Mutual Respect & LGBT+ Month 
Wellbeing Children's Mental Health & LGBT+ Month
Safeguarding NSPCC Speak out Stay Safe, Internet Safety Day & Keeping Myself Safe Week

Spring Term 2 Circle Time Themes  

British Values                  Individual Liberty & Women's History Month
Wellbeing The Importance of Sleep, Food & Mood & Women's History Month 
Safeguarding PANTS - The Underwear Rule (NSPCC Learning)

Summer Term 1 Circle Time Themes 

British ValuesWorld Earth Day, Cultural Diversity Day
Wellbeing Stress Awareness Month, Mental Health Awareness Week
SafeguardingEnvironmental Safety including Stranger Danger, Dog Safety and Sun Safety 


Summer Term 2 Circle Time Themes 

British ValuesDemocracy - Pupil Voice Group Elections 
Wellbeing Healthy Week, Sports Week & Transition  
SafeguardingWater Safety, Community Safety, Clever Never Goes, and Rail Safety

