

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

After school activities

Rockmount offers a wide variety of extra-curricular clubs and specialised lessons. These activities are run by staff, parents/carers at Rockmount and specialist teachers/coaches.


Vida Spanish Club. Children learn Spanish language and about Spanish culture in a fun and creative way.


Yoga Club. Children will practice Yoga through fun flows, poses and games as well as mindfulness techniques and relaxation.


Football. This club gives children the opportunity to play football while making friends and enjoying being part of a team.


Boxercise. Fun, challenging and safe workout where children will be exercising the upper and lower body.


Lego. Using their imagination children design and build structures and worlds of their own while making friends.


Tap & Modern Dance. Fun filled classes where children can learn fantastic dance routines to their favourite songs while keeping fit.


Gymnastics. Children will learn exercise skills that help them develop physically and help improve their agility and coordination.


Art Club. Children will use different art materials and techniques to develop their confidence and creativity.


Netball. Will help children improve their netball skills each week while enjoying being part of a team.


Choir.  We have three choirs that meet during lunchtimes.  Year 4  meet on Mondays, Year 5 on Tuesdays and Year 6 on Thursdays.  To sign up, children just need to speak to Miss Symons.  



As a refreshment, the children are welcome to bring a piece of fruit to their after school activity. Water is freely available. 
Please let the school office know by 2.30pm if your child is not attending a club on the day they are scheduled to do so. 