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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve


Welcome to our Year 5 Classes


Pearl Class

Class Teacher: Mark Haines
Teaching Assistant: Debbie Russell


Coral Class

Class Teacher: Dan Hall & Elizabeth Waller  
Teaching Assistant: James Taylor
Teaching Assistant: Nathan Ward


Year 5 Curriculum Map for 2015-2016



Topic focus

1st half

 The Eagle Has Landed

English: Persuasive writing, science fiction stories

Maths: Number And Place Value, Including Decimals; Multiplication And Division Facts; Calculation; (All Four Operations); Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History/Geography: The Moon Landing / Digital and computer mapping

Science: Earth and Space

Computing: We Are Bloggers

DT: Solar system models and space food

RE: Why Do You Judge Me?

2nd half

Double, Double, Toil and Trouble

English: Narrative techniques / flashbacks (Harry Potter), Shakespeare spells

Maths: Number And Place Value; Calculation - Including Roman Numerals; Multiplication And Division Facts; Geometry: Position And Direction; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

Science: Properties and changes to materials

Computing: We Are Architects: 'Hogwarts'

RE: Christianity

1st half

African Kingdom

English:Traditional tales and Non-Chronological Reports

Maths: Calculation (All Four Operations); Fractions, Decimals And Percentages; Measurement: Metric Units and Imperial Units; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History/Geography: Benin, A study of Africa, Fair Trade

Science: Living things and their habitats

Computing: We Are Web Developers / E-Safety

RE: Judaism

2nd half
Shifting Sands in Africa

English: Stories with historical settings, Adverts, Poetry (The Highway Man)

Maths: Calculation (All Four Operations); Geometry: Properties of Shapes; Measurement: Area And Perimeter; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History/Geography: Ancient Egypt/ Compare a rural and urban region in Africa

Science: Forces

Computing: We Are Cryptographers

RE: Judaism

1st half


English: Note-taking, Non-Chronological reports, Traditional stories

Maths: Calculation (All Four Operations); Statistics - Line Graphs and Tables; Problem Solving; Mental Maths 

History/Geography: Viking Attacks, Study of the UK

Science: Animals including humans

Computing: We are game developers

RE: Islam

2nd half

Raindrops keep falling on my head.

English: Classic narrative, Fiction from our heritage, Story writing and planning (Treasure Island), Poetry

Maths: Calculation (All Four Operations); Measurement - Time; Geometry - Angles; Problem Solving; Mental Maths

History/Geography: Field study of a local river/

Science: Properties and changes to materials

Computing: We Are Artists: Landscapes

RE: Islam


Please read our termly curriculum letter for more information.

If you have any queries, please contact the Class Teacher or the Learning and Teaching Leader for this phase: Nishad Karim


Autumn Term

Year Five have continued to be very busy immersing themselves in the world of J K Rowling's popular Harry Potter series of children's novels. Our Literacy focus has been to understand why authors include the narrative technique of 'flashbacks'. This culminated in pupils' own stories that included the technique. Learning has moved on to a very different area of Literacy: the weird and wonderful, gory goings-on in Shakespeare's Macbeth. Our exciting trip to visit the heart of Shakespeare in London, The Globe Theatre and Exhibition, was a highlight when children could experience first-hand the incredible recreation of the Tudor theatre.




Mathematics has headed outdoors this half term! Pupils used their extensive knowledge and experience of angles to go out and about into the outdoor learning environment to complete a treasure hunt and photograph different angles that they could find. Estimating, measuring and classifying angles using the appropriate language was the order of the day, the weather was kind and pupils really enjoyed the opportunity to practically apply their mathematical knowledge. Have a look at the 'Maths Outside the Classroom' display by the small hall to see examples of our work.



This half term we have trialled a very different approach to science in Key stage 2. Empiribox has taken off in a very explosive way quite literally! In Year 5 the children have been exploring the concept of force in a very practical way. Firing cannisters into the air has helped to further our understanding of air pressure and balloon powered cars have enabled us to experiment and find out more about friction. We are building up our skills of planning an investigation and thinking about the importance of variables.



The term started off with a 'Big Bang' as pupils are getting to grips with the fundamentals of life, the Universe and everything! Knowledge of the Solar System and Space exploration was  the basis of our work in literacy: planning and writing persuasive letters and science fiction stories. We really enjoyed our trip to the Science Museum and our creative homework has been out of this world!


