

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Digital Leaders

Rockmount Primary Digital Leaders

What is a 'Digital Leader'?


A Digital Leader is a pupil who is part of a Digital Leaders Team within a school, whose role it is to support the use and to further the development of computing in school.


The Childnet Digital Leaders Programme is a youth leadership training programme empowering young people to educate their peers about online safety.


Groups of Digital Leaders complete training on an interactive, informative and fun platform. They work through online modules, equipping them with the skills they need to go on to educate and support their peers.

Overview of What can Digital Leaders do:


  • Help staff get computing equipment ready and organised (charging laptops and iPads)
  • Deliver and help teachers deliver online safety curriculum to their own class and other classes in the school
  • Help produce and deliver assemblies about online safety and acceptable use of equipment, devices and programs (games)
  • Demonstrate how to use technology in the classroom
  • Demonstrate how to use everyday programs (Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Publisher) and easy to use websites to other students and staff
  • Demonstrate how to use apps and websites to enhance teaching and learning (Google Classroom, different quiz software, use of Class Dojo )
  • Try out and review new apps, websites and programs which could be used in lessons
  • Help organise Safer Internet Day
  • Interview and recruit new digital leaders
  • Go to other schools and events and talk about online safety and digital use.


Who are our Digital Leaders?


Year 6
  • Evelyn 
  • Francis
  • Samuel
  • Hadeeqa
  • Emmanuel
  • Dylan
  • Isobel 


Safer Internet Day 2024

What have our Digital Leaders done?




This year so far, the Digital Leaders have helped to raise the profile of Computing further, helping staff to set up a new Computing space within the school. They have have placed updated posters about keeping safe online and the Computing Golden Threads around the school and spoken to classes in circle times about these themes. They continue to support Computing lessons and help maintain the equipment and new Computing Space. 


Safer Internet Day


This half term, the Digital Leaders have been working with staff from Childnet for Internet Safety Day.


The Digital Leaders led a workshop in the BT Tower to showcase their knowledge and skills on online safety. They created interactive presentations, engaging activities and games to educate adults from the tech world on the importance of staying safe online.


In addition, they have also collaborated with Childnet to prepare for a meeting with MPs in the Houses of Parliament where they discussed challenges facing young people, how to stay safe online and the changes they would like to see to the Online Safety Bill.






The Digital Leaders led 2 whole-school assemblies on 'Staying Safe Online' in February 2023. They engaged the school community in meaningful discussions around exploring respect and meaningful relationships online as part of Safer Internet Day. 


Small groups of Digital Leaders have supported Computing Lessons, helping children to access technology and meet Learning Objectives, supporting teachers. 



Useful links
