

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September. We can’t wait to meet you and will be in contact soon with further details about the enrolment process. Remember the deadline to accept Reception offers is 30th April 2024.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

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  • Safety improvements at last at Rockmount Road entrance

    Thu 13 Jun 2013

    Parents urged: ‘Please respect the new road markings’.


    Pupils, parents and staff have welcomed the new road zig zag markings at the Rockmount Road entrance to the school.


    Croydon Council painted the new markings after a long campaign over the May bank holiday weekend.


    Chair of governors Jonny Moore said:

    “At last the council have made these safety improvements to the Rockmount Road entrance. It was very dangerous before with cars parked on both sides for dropping off. Pupils were forced to cross the road between parked cars with poor visibility and there have been a number of incidents and near-misses. Now the school side of the road is clear of cars and visibility is much better."


    We understand it means that some parents now have to park their car around the corner on Chevening Road and walk around the corner – but it's worth it for the safety improvements.


    We ask everyone using a car to drive slowly and not to park in the yellow zig zag area. Our local Police Community Support Officers wrote to Croydon to support the planning application and they will, if necessary, issue parking tickets to anyone who ignores the new markings. We all want to avoid this.


    Teacher Suzanne Jessel said, "It is wonderful to see increasing numbers of families walking or cycling to school. Some parents are having a go at parking on the far side of the Recreation Grounds and enjoying a walk through the lovely park opposite the school to start the day with a little healthy exercise. All this helps make the school gates a child friendly zone at the beginning of each school day."

  • Green Day

    Thu 06 Jun 2013

    Inventor Tonks brought in his pedal powered cinema.


    By pedalling, the children generated electricity to power the projector.


    With 2 children pedalling, we had enough electricity to watch some films made by the Eco Councillors.


    Some of the bikes were a little big for the younger children,  so adults got a turn too.


    Every class got to make and drink smoothies on the smoothie bike .


    39 children cycled to school on Green Day.  The bike stands were full!


    Children in the Reception played the YES/NO game to see how much they knew about farm animals.



    They collected lots of natural materials from the school grounds to make a farm collage.


    The Year 6 children wrote letters inviting local residents into the classroom to tell us about their childhood during the war years.


    They baked cakes using war time recipes with carrots and beetroot.  They offered these to our visitors and asked them questions about what they ate during the war years.  


    Year 5 children designed, made and tested solar powered sun hats.


    The solar pv cell drives the propeller, which spins and keeps you cool on a hot sunny day.


    After school, Green Day continued.  Reception staff sold strawberry plants grown by the children. 


    There was a book swap shop and school uniform sale – all to promote re – using rather than throwing away.


    We sold smoothies made on the smoothie bike to parents and families.  With the £30 we raised, we plan to buy some planks for the children to build with at playtime.


    Dr Bike repaired many parents’ and children’s bikes after school.


    The Nursery children made bird boxes to hang up in the trees using juice cartons.


    The Nursery children planted lots of vegetables ready to transfer into their raised bed.


    Year 1 children up-cycled old T-shirts to make shopping bags with these logos sewn on.


    They hope to use their new up-cycled shopping bags instead of plastic ones.

