

Welcome! A warm welcome to our new Reception and Nursery intake who will be joining Rockmount Primary School in September. We can’t wait to meet you and will be in contact soon with further details about the enrolment process. Remember the deadline to accept Reception offers is 30th April 2024.
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Rockmount Primary School

All Can Achieve

Latest News

Keep up to date with what's happening in school.

  • Year 3 Ancient Greece Dress up day!

    Wed 20 May 2015
    On Wednesday 20th May, Year 3 classrooms were transformed with children arriving at school dressed as Spartans, Athenians and Greek gods! We made hummus and Greek salad in class which we enjoyed during an Ancient Greek themed feast complete with music and dancing!
  • Outdoor Classroom Day

    Thu 14 May 2015
    Over the last year, our playground has been transformed into a rich learning environment. We have a pond full of interesting wild life, which has been identified and recorded by our Year 4 children.  An amphitheatre with Greek style rocks, is the perfect place for poetry recitation, talks and drama.  With a range of different habitats for minibeasts, film makers have many back drops to choose from.  All of this was taken full advantage during 'Outdoor Classroom Day'.  Science, Maths, Literacy, History and PE were just some of the lessons held out in the fresh air, within the wild life of our school grounds.
  • Egg-cellent news! The chickens have arrived!

    Thu 14 May 2015
    Yes that's right...Rockmount Primary School are the proud keepers of two hens (yet to be named). Each class has a designated week of caring for the chickens. During this week the designated class are responsible for the chickens' well being. They will be providing fresh water and food, cleaning and collecting the eggs.
  • English National Opera Studios

    Mon 11 May 2015

    Pearl class were specially invited to attend a rehearsal of the production,’ The Way Back Home’. Although it was very short notice staff, parents and children were able to use public transport on a wet and humid day to get to the studios at West Hampstead.

    The children met with the entire production team including the director, conductor, musicians, performers, artists and stage/ costume designers. The children were enthused and invigorated as they were entrapped in the theatricals of the performance. At the end the production team were very impressed with the constructive criticisms made by our children . This rehearsal was also the perfect opportunity to see how drama is used as a form of visual poetry which coincidentally is the topic that the year four children are presently learning about.

  • 'Power of One'- Anti-Bullying Week

    Mon 11 May 2015
    Children enjoyed an interactive workshop where actors used boxes, colours, and masks to vividly portray what bullying is, what can be done about it, and how every child has the power of one, the power to report and deal with bullying when they see it. The workshop also explained the different roles in bullying: Bully, Target, and Bystander and showed examples of different types of bullying: Physical, Verbal, Exclusion, and Cyber bullying. Children were introduced to the Anti-Bullying Charter which included the 'Power of One Oath'.  This will be signed during Circle Time.
  • NSPCC Workshop

    Mon 11 May 2015
    Year 5 and 6 took part in workshops focusing on what is considered right and wrong. This was a follow up workshop from the assembly children had a couple of weeks ago. The children remembered the 4 types of abuse and filled in 'My Buddy Kit'. The team will be back in June to talk to the whole school about keeping safe.  
  • Andy Smith cycles 5000 miles

    Mon 11 May 2015
    Andy Smith, or ‘Smudger’ as his friends call him, is a keen cyclist. He cycled 5000 miles over the summer through Brazil. He started in January, so when he finished he could watch the world cup.  While he was cycling he could see the stadiums being built. His cycle was called ‘SmudgerSambaCycle’. He did an exclusive interview with the Rockmount Bike it crew. By Eve, Jacqui and Zac.
  • Victory in Europe Day!

    Fri 08 May 2015

    Friday 8th May 2015 marked the 70th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day (VE Day). VE Day officially announced the end of World War Two in Europe.


    On 8th May 1945, people celebrated as crowds packed the streets, cheering, singing and dancing. Children joined in the fun, waving flags, dressing up and making party hats. There were fireworks and bonfires, speeches and church services, parades and street parties. Children at Rockmount celebrated VE day by having a picnic out in the playground accompanied with hats, bunting, and music and dancing. Everyone had a fabulous time!
